I had probably become a Targeted Individual some time in first half of 2018 (if not earlier). I did not realise it back then, but now I think so, looking in retrospect, because back then my metal furniture gave a zingy sensation, I used to sense radiations hitting my body, used to get lymph node pains, mysterious cuts and injuries appeared on my skin, I felt very dehydrated. But back then I attributed all those sufferings and sensations it to HAARP attacks on my town (yes those were happening) and neighbour's strong wi-fi somehow interacting with their refrigerator and did not realise I was being individually targeted and attacked. Many people do not believe when 'Targeted Individuals' claim that they are being attacked, because the attack energies cannot be seen, and there are no identifiable wounds on the surface as most damage is caused at molecular, cellular, tissue level, on internal organs. But now even United Nations is acknowledging that these kind of attacks and torture is being done on citizens worldwide https://everydayconcerned.net/2020/03/14/magnus-olsson-eucach-director-un-starts-investigation-to-ban-cyber-torture/. Now that I know more, yes in early 2018 they must have been using HAARP to attack me and wi-fi too acts as a surveillance and attack device for Targeted Individuals, and yes domestic appliances like refrigerator too can now have scan and attack mechanisms (CIA chief hinted so in 2012, that CIA can spy on us even through appliances like dishwasher, TV remote https://www.wired.com/2012/03/petraeus-tv-remote/) Only in late 2018 I started realized that something was being done to me specifically, not generally, because I started getting burning in stomatch, groin, etc and then started hearing sharp short bursts of tinnitus sound, particularly when I was near that wall of my room just outside of which an LED street lamp had been recently installed.
And then from first day of Jan 2019, I started being attacked by very unbearable, painful, disorienting radiations/energies, with continuous tinnitus sound in my head, radiation that sometimes didn't let me sleep or sometimes forcibly put me to sleep, radiation that started rotting my teeth fast, made boils and rashes appear on skin, made me smell, made me fat overnight, and produced such severe burning in testes I used to run away from the house. I even started sleeping outside in gardens (but even there I got attacked if I slept near lamp posts, metal structures etc. So that's when I realized I was being attacked in some way, by what seemed like radiations, and gradually realised that most of the main attacks come from the new street LED lamp posts installed in last few years, though there were other sources too. Even those other sources probably communicated with the LED lamp post. So I started investigating, with hope of understanding my attacks and convincing others they are real, and saving mysel . Since I was constantly sleepy, dazed, sick or running away from my house due to the attacks, I was not able to explain my my investigations systematically like I usually do on Social Media. But now many more things have come up so I don't even know if I will be able to go back to the reading I did back then and explain systematically. So I have decided to just dump the internet links I read (partly or fully) back then and my rough notes along with those, in this blog post, without bothering to arrange or group them by topics or any system. without explaining anything. Hope you will read and learn useful things...
200MHz to 3GHz
10 mW/cm² was considered upper limit of safe exposure in 1975
At 1.245 GHz, the peak power density for perception was below 80 mW/cm2
Since the radiation levels approached the (then current) 10 mW/cm² limit of safe exposure, critics have observed that under such conditions brain damage from thermal effects of high power microwave radiation would occur, and there was "no conclusive evidence for MAE at lower energy densities".[5][6]
Some frequencies resonate?
30 db amplification 2.6 GHz = 11.53047915385 cm
20 db amplification 1.2 GHz = 24.98270483333 cm
20 db attenuation 1.5Ghz = 19.98616386667 cm
Hunan head is 6 to 7 inches wide
8 to 9 inches long
Formula for resonance of cuboid
More dervications, formulas for various modes or resonance in cuboid. Also says cavity resonators useful as filters and tuners in microwave circuits like LC resonator in RF circuit. Can also be used to measure frequency of an electromagnetic signal.
Search terms
electromagnetic resonant frequency cuboid open
resonant frequency cuboid open
resonant frequency 5 side cuboid cavity
resonant frequency cuboid cavity
electromagnetic resonance of a 5 side cuboid
Measuring shell resonances of spherical acoustic
Aluminium foil is only 0.016 mm thick
mu metal, magnetite?
Calculating skin depth
ready values of skin depth at 1 Mhz, 10 Mhz, 100MHz, 1GHz, 10GHz, 100Ghz
A hint:
Many good points:
very insightful calculations on shielding, reflection absorption etc
In the case of exposure of the whole body, a standing ungrounded human adult absorbs RF energy at a maximum rate when the frequency of the RF radiation is in the range of about 70 MHz.
search:electromagnetic penetration depth human body frequency
lot of info on wi-fi shielding of buildings by window films etc, darkroom doors etc.
An earlier version of article said the sound was between 7000 Khz and 8000 KHz
That's mentioned here: Also has nice reasoning of intermodulation distortion to explain the low frequency peaks.
Interactions of electromagnetic waves in metals
t Electromagnetic
in Nonlinear
Grounding can be bad?
conductivity of various metals.
Very good info on shielding:
5g can have <6Ghz and 24-86GHz frequency range.
Proposed spectrum in the 3300-3600 MHz frequency range for 5G.
3300-3600 MHz bands, besides the existing 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1,800 MHz, 2,100 MHz, 2300 MHz and 2,500 MHz range.
The task force indicated that India should open up the 698-803 MHz, 3300-3600 MHz, 24.25-27.5 GHz and 27.5-29.5 GHz bands for 5G deployment.
It also recommended that the government identify the 617-698 MHz, 1427-1518 MHz, 29.5-31.3 GHz and 37.0-43.5 GHz bands for potential 5G use. It further said the 37.0-43.5 GHz bands should be offered free for two years to support indigenous research and development.
search: nonlinera effect skin deoth
Pyramidal RF absorbers.
NASA claims of electromagnetic propulsion false?
wideband emf 300ghz
Alarming line: This study of RF propagation through commonly used building
materials can be used to study the performance of cardiac activity of persons behind a wall or persons buried
under the rubbles of the debris of a collapsed building.
Effects of 3 Hz and 60 Hz Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Anxiety-Like Behaviors, Memory Retention of Passive Avoidance and Electrophysiological Properties of Male Rats
Exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields alters the behaviour, physiology and stress protein levels of desert locusts