
Youtube Transcript of the 2 hour video by Dr. Judy Mikovits on Coronavirus COVID-19

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00:00 I got my PhD in biochemistry and 00:03 molecular biology in 1991 my PhD thesis 00:08 really changed the paradigm of hiv/aids 00:12 in this country it was called HIV 00:14 latency and monocytes and what it 00:17 basically said was at a time when we let 00:20 the you know when patients t-cells and 00:23 their adaptive immune response was you 00:27 know going in the toilet because of the 00:29 damage done by the infection that 00:31 actually the damage was done by another 00:34 part of the immune system the monocyte 00:37 macrophage and it was that inflammation 00:40 that inability to control the flame and 00:43 the fire which was driving the 00:48 pathogenesis the disease development so 00:51 you could be infected with HIV and not 00:54 get AIDS if you simply controlled the 00:59 monocyte macrophage and we developed 01:01 several drugs immuno modulating 01:04 compounds that were biological response 01:07 modifiers including peptide tea I worked 01:10 at the National Cancer Institute for 20 01:12 years doing this work from 1980 until 01:16 2001 when I moved to industry and there 01:21 I worked in industry looking at 01:23 epigenetics looking at gene expression 01:26 it's not the blueprint it's not your 01:29 genetics it's the dysregulation of the 01:32 gene expression that contributes to 01:34 disease and again that plays a key part 01:37 in in the infection of SARS coronavirus 01:43 to versus the disease so the whole / the 01:48 whole idea is what's being perpetrated 01:52 now as Kovan 19 or coronavirus 01:56 infectious disease 2019 the key in how 02:02 it's being misrepresented is you can be 02:05 infected without having disease and if 02:09 you're infected without having disease 02:11 you have immunity that can 02:13 others okay so Judy it's such an honor 02:19 to talk to you I've listened to so many 02:20 of your podcast your lectures at autism 02:22 one and different interviews and I 02:25 always learn something new from you so 02:27 what I want to jump into is if you could 02:29 tell our audience what is zoonosis and 02:32 why the bat theory bat soup theory is 02:35 not plausible and go into that a little 02:38 bit well zoonosis is kind of what the 02:42 word means is ooh and then it and it go 02:46 it jump species so you go you take a 02:49 pathogen that is not a pathogen that is 02:53 a symbiotic that lives comfort 02:56 comfortably let's just say in bats the 02:59 viruses that live comfortably in bats 03:01 and they don't bother the bad the bats 03:04 don't care that they're there and and 03:08 those viruses when they jump species 03:11 they cause devastating disease 03:14 so the zoonosis in hiv/aids was a monkey 03:20 virus that jumped to humans and and so 03:24 in this case with the corona virus that 03:28 came from bats usually what you need bat 03:33 viruses just would not infect human 03:36 cells the differences between the immune 03:39 systems are so great that you need an 03:44 intermediate host they call it you need 03:47 another small animal akavit I don't even 03:51 know what a kid is it's a monkey with a 03:53 tail that curls around the ground see I 03:55 ve T so you need another animal host in 03:59 order to attenuate the virus in order to 04:02 change the virus to teach it to infect 04:06 an immune system that's closer to humans 04:09 so all animals you know and so the Y the 04:13 theory of the bat virus just jumping 04:18 from uncooked soup in a seafood market 04:22 in in Wuhan China into humans may 04:27 absolutely no sense because usually and 04:31 and essentially in all the latest 04:34 pandemics the intermediate wasn't 04:37 another small animal as we're told the 04:41 intermediate was a an animal cell line 04:45 or animal tissues repeatedly grown so 04:50 what what we did and this is why I 04:52 mentioned my or you mentioned my 1999 in 04:57 1999 I worked at you Sam red which is 05:00 the US Army Research Institute of 05:03 infectious disease there at Fort Detrick 05:06 Maryland right next to the National 05:08 Cancer Institute and my what I did at 05:11 the time was two things I taught the 05:14 Ebola virus Ebola Zaire which was a 05:17 highly pathogenic strain my job was to 05:21 teach it to infect human cells without 05:25 killing them because we can't study a 05:28 virus unless we can grow it and we can't 05:32 understand how it causes disease in an 05:35 animal unless we can grow enough copies 05:39 of it and at that time the Ebola virus 05:42 and I have to admit it was somewhat 05:44 scary to do this research but at that 05:46 time the Ebola virus was just killing 05:50 just destroying the cells they'd blow 05:53 apart almost instantly you can't study 05:56 you that if that happens so I had my 06:00 entire career had been tissue culture 06:03 animal tissue culture human tissue 06:05 culture grow various cancers in the 06:09 laboratory in order to study how they 06:12 develop and what causes them and what 06:14 parts of the immune system are 06:16 dysregulated so that I did finally what 06:21 the way I would do it is you keep 06:23 feeding literally just keep feeding the 06:26 virus more cells until one day a cell 06:30 doesn't die and then you can grow that 06:33 cell perpetually using various growth 06:37 factors that we do in the lab it's not 06:39 difficult in order to 06:41 study the virus so we did that and then 06:45 the second thing we did was we took this 06:47 was 1999 06:49 we took Ebola Zaire which was the highly 06:52 pathogenic strain and we compared it to 06:57 the was a Ebola Reston Reston Virginia 07:01 strain why they had a strain of Ebola 07:04 from Africa and West in Reston Virginia 07:06 I don't even want to touch but at any 07:09 rate it sounds like lujan lab lab next 07:12 to a seafood market to me but in any 07:15 rate you we we we looked at the 07:19 difference so we infected primary human 07:22 cells with the pathogenic strain immune 07:26 cells and then with the non-pathogenic 07:28 strain and what we saw was a signature 07:31 of disease these inflammatory mediators 07:34 and I know you've seen that impressed 07:36 how this SARS to Cova nineteen causing 07:42 virus it has an inflammatory signature 07:46 of disease and if you these susceptible 07:49 individual don't have that inflammatory 07:51 signature doesn't matter how much corona 07:55 virus or SARS CoV two is in your body 07:59 you won't get sick your your immune you 08:03 make an immune response you mount an 08:05 immune response you have antibodies you 08:07 have you make alpha interferon you 08:09 suppress the virus as an immune system 08:11 will do so that's part of the big fraud 08:14 and frustration in all of this is the 08:17 way they're testing what they're looking 08:19 at and and in fact how they're saying oh 08:23 this virus just popped up overnight in 08:26 and from one woman in a seafood market 08:29 in Wuhan I don't know how the Batsuit 08:32 comes into a seafood market I can't get 08:35 there but at any rate a seafood market 08:39 with improperly cooked food and in 08:41 within two months time a virus jumps to 08:45 a hundred and ten countries that's 08:47 really not an ingested virus that's an 08:50 injected virus and I'm saying that 08:53 through 08:55 oh no virus you see yeah don't you lose 08:59 you know I'm still here okay 09:01 so now so Judy with that being said and 09:04 you're saying it's an injected virus do 09:06 you think that the rollout of flu shots 09:10 has anything to do with that and we see 09:12 some articles being published that talk 09:15 about viral interference that you have a 09:18 much greater susceptibility to Kove at 09:21 19 if you have received the flu vaccine 09:25 so do you think there was anything 09:27 different with the flu vaccine that came 09:29 out just recently as well as if you are 09:33 familiar with that nature article that's 09:35 gotten a lot of publicity on maybe 09:37 alternative media and they have like a 09:39 banner across it and saying this this 09:41 article is actually being used to prove 09:43 that this virus was engineered and it 09:47 talks about it was a nature article 09:51 engineered bat virus stirs debate over 09:54 risky research so if you can kind of 09:56 touch on both those things the viral 09:58 interference with the flu shots the flu 10:01 shots themselves maybe being causal and 10:04 that nature article yeah so absolutely 10:08 the viral interference what that means 10:11 is that when you get that that's a 10:14 scientific term when you get the 10:16 influenza vaccines let's make it really 10:19 clear on which shots in in some cases 10:24 the the influenza the immune response to 10:28 influenza can actually spread such that 10:33 you have an immune response in a good 10:35 way to other families of viruses but in 10:40 the case of a 2,000 and I think 1718 in 10:43 the military they actually studied the 10:46 flu shot and showed that the viral 10:49 interference promoted corona virus 10:53 infection enhanced it by 36 percent that 10:57 is if you got an influenza shot in 2017 11:03 and 18 when this paper was published and 11:05 they looked at the military who are our 11:08 mandate 11:08 to get these shots and and in that in 11:12 those cases they were you know 36% more 11:16 likely to get a corona virus infection 11:21 with the flu shot 11:23 so it was promoting the infection there 11:27 are several other papers from other 11:30 influences whether inactivated influenza 11:32 is recombinant that that showed that 11:35 people who got vaccines in including in 11:40 not limited to influenza vaccines were a 11:44 far more likely 4.4 times more likely 11:47 especially children to get the disease 11:50 that is have that powerful immune 11:53 response that flame that could not be 11:56 controlled that the vaccine promoted the 11:59 disease not necessarily the infection 12:03 but the disease so how do we what do we 12:06 think of with that 2015 nature paper 12:10 it's pretty clear there and and many 12:13 biologists not just myself at the time 12:17 we're saying these things can happen all 12:19 the time that were told when we do this 12:22 research in the lab and I was told in 12:25 1999 what I was doing was trying to 12:28 attenuate in a in a good way weaken the 12:32 virus 12:33 learn enough about the virus so that we 12:35 could develop you know therapies and 12:38 vaccines to prevent you know the 12:41 pathogenic strain from killing people 12:43 and that's a laudable goal and you know 12:45 I bought it hook line and sinker and I 12:47 did that research so when in in 2015 12:51 um you know at the time it was even 12:54 outlawed in the United States between 12:57 2013 and 2017 you institutions were not 13:03 allowed to do what they called 13:06 gain-of-function studies so if you think 13:09 about the study I just told you I taught 13:12 a virus that wouldn't have evolved to 13:15 infect human cells for decades if not 13:17 century and I taught it in a few months 13:21 in 13:21 laboratory to infect human cells that's 13:24 a gain-of-function study that was 13:26 outlawed because of the risky research 13:30 and when we do that we take those cell 13:34 lines and we send them around the world 13:36 and we use those cell lines in in in 13:42 manufacturing many biological therapies 13:45 but most prominently vaccines the cell 13:48 line that was used in that 2015 study 13:52 discussed and there's another study at 13:55 reference was called viral monkey kidney 13:57 cells that's the same cell line from 14:00 which HIV you know AIDS evolved from SIV 14:06 and yes there have been numerous reports 14:08 of HIV sequences so you can get 14:12 recombinant activity in the cell line 14:16 when you infect it with another virus 14:20 then several different viruses if not 14:23 many viruses are expressed and when 14:27 they're expressed they can recombine and 14:30 cause a very much more dangerous not 14:34 attenuated at all vaccine so our virus 14:38 species in a cell line that grows 14:41 without you know it grows in a 14:43 laboratory we grow hundreds of liters of 14:46 these cell lines at a time and we save 14:49 them and we use them to manufacture 14:52 theoretically therapies but they can 14:54 also be released from laboratories 14:57 they've acquired the ability to be 15:01 contagious that is spread in a way that 15:03 they wouldn't spread naturally so I 15:06 don't like to use the word engineered 15:08 because you know I I simply culture a 15:13 cell over and over again and I call it 15:17 the Heisenberg uncertainty principle a 15:19 biology every time you culture a virus 15:22 you change it and we don't know what 15:24 those changes are we don't know what 15:26 will evolve what dormant virus activated 15:29 when you infected with SARS when you 15:32 infected the Bureau monkey 15:35 new cell line with SARS number one the 15:39 severe acute respiratory syndrome virus 15:41 and and allowed it to gain function by 15:45 infecting this cell line that it 15:47 previously did not affect we don't know 15:50 what changes happen that that allow us 15:53 to see it but I don't I don't like to 15:56 use the word engineered because it 15:59 implies we thought about it and we cut 16:01 and pasted a virus together and that's 16:03 not how it works in the laboratory we 16:05 have no idea what's going on in the 16:07 laboratory and that's why these studies 16:10 should never be done again 16:11 and that's why theoretically it was 16:13 outlawed in the country from 2013 and 16:17 and you'd have to ask Francis Collins 16:20 why suddenly in 2017 he lifted that out 16:24 law or why you know the NIAID under Tony 16:30 Fauci funded these studies in Wuhan 16:33 China with the University in North 16:35 Carolina and with a Harvard researcher 16:39 where they sent this cell line between 16:41 the labs you know by the mail by a via 16:44 researchers I don't even know how they 16:47 sent it but we send it we sent it by the 16:50 mail when when I worked there so 16:52 engineered no escaped likely intentional 16:59 I mean yes we did these two these 17:01 studies intentionally and intentionally 17:04 breaking the law in this case but I 17:07 guess maybe Tony foul Chi is the law of 17:10 the world as we've seen this virus this 17:15 corona virus - is not more than a severe 17:19 cough and it's it's in totally 17:23 implausible that it's passing from human 17:28 to human by human healthy humans 17:31 coughing that's not how it happens it's 17:34 far more plausible that it's been 17:37 injected and yes essentially every 17:41 vaccine carrying human animal cells 17:45 PDX with with vero monkey kidney cells 17:48 we give that to 17:49 infants the flu vaccine in bird avian 17:53 cells carry coronaviruses and and many 17:57 other viruses including retro viruses 17:59 like HIV the new flu vaccine in in Italy 18:05 had four different influences including 18:09 h1n1 and it was grown in Maiden Darby 18:13 kidney cells which are dog cells care 18:16 dogs carry corona viruses cats have 18:19 infectious transmissible corona viruses 18:22 and get diseases of them so this virus 18:29 didn't spread to a hundred and ten 18:31 countries from a seafood market in in in 18:35 China starting December whatever they 18:38 told us of 2019 it's plausible it's 18:42 probable that it's been in every flu 18:46 vaccine since thirteen to fifteen as 18:50 that's when this work was being 18:52 illegally done we we have no idea but 18:55 the flu vaccines are driving the 18:57 infection and the it's this is injection 19:01 and and III object very much to the mask 19:05 because if you are carrying these 19:08 injected viruses and you wear a mask and 19:12 you allow yourself to be under that 19:16 stress and that fear that they've driven 19:19 to us and then you activate these 19:21 viruses with things like the stress of 19:25 not having a job you know these dormant 19:29 viruses will wake up in yourself and you 19:32 are actually reinfecting yourself over 19:35 and over with a mask you're not making 19:37 somebody else sick you're making 19:39 yourself sick and and I and especially 19:42 those with asthma those with COPD those 19:46 living in pollution you have this there 19:49 there are a lot of cofactors to disease 19:51 development but wearing a mask will kill 19:55 more people than this virus is not 19:58 caught through the air from healthy 20:01 people who are almost certain 20:02 Muniz they've almost certainly been 20:05 infected over the last four or five 20:07 years okay so let's go ahead and recap a 20:10 couple of those points so are you saying 20:13 that we can't catch this so I'm like you 20:16 know I'm sure you're familiar with in 20:18 1918 flu that originated at Fort Riley 20:22 military base and it was just after a a 20:26 very experimental bacterial meningitis 20:30 vaccine and that was put together by the 20:33 Rockefeller Institute and so with that 20:35 that was very transmissible the 20:38 bacterial infection but you're saying 20:40 this can't be spread person-to-person is 20:42 that what you're saying no I'm not sick 20:44 okay okay I'm saying it was made in 20:48 essentially the same way yes there's no 20:50 question that this virus is is more 20:55 contagious it's not more pathogenic it's 20:59 very much spread from person to person 21:02 hey thank you for clarifying that so it 21:04 can be spread person-to-person but 21:06 you're saying the origin so it's not a 21:08 retrovirus but you're saying it up we 21:11 don't want to use the word engineer 21:12 because it's almost like you know how 21:15 doc the work of dr. Teresa dives her and 21:17 she talks about insertional mutagenesis 21:20 that if you examine the cord blood of a 21:23 child that gets later diagnosed with 21:25 autism the mutations these de novo 21:29 mutations are not in the cord blood but 21:33 they came later so how would that what 21:35 could you explain and that would be from 21:38 the the aborted fetal cell lines that 21:42 have DNA fragments just like gene 21:44 therapy you want to uptake those into 21:46 your stem cells and the stem cells will 21:48 take up those DNA fragments from the 21:52 aborted fetal cell lines and cause an 21:54 insertional mutagenesis but you're 21:55 saying this is not a retrovirus this L 21:59 is not a recurrence they're different 22:01 RNA viruses but she's she's right in 22:05 what she's saying when you inject all 22:08 that DNA into an individual you change 22:14 their susceptibility 22:16 to other things because their immune 22:19 system becomes crippled and 22:21 dysfunctional and the fires always on so 22:25 the people most likely to get severe 22:29 disease from this coronavirus spreading 22:35 are the vaccine injured and it is the 22:39 vaccinated spreading the virus because 22:43 their immune compromised so what I was 22:46 more saying is healthy people who have 22:51 not you know who did not get severe 22:54 disease let's just say we've we've heard 22:56 a lot about teenagers in closing 22:59 colleges and hey the kids don't get sick 23:02 so those people almost certainly have 23:06 made antibodies to the virus and they 23:09 were probably infected years ago at 23:13 least within the last three years and 23:15 they can make and they will make even 23:17 people recovering they will make 23:20 neutralizing antibodies that prevent 23:23 further infection or non neutralizing 23:26 antibodies that prevents you from 23:28 getting as severe a disease if you're 23:32 infected or exposed again so there's the 23:37 the epidemic or pandemic is being 23:41 misrepresented is if viruses float 23:44 through the air viruses don't float 23:46 through the air 23:47 they don't live on surfaces especially 23:50 coronaviruses you know much more than an 23:53 hour you know we're being told wipe down 23:56 your groceries this is ridiculous we 23:59 have immune systems made by God and 24:02 unless we've been severely vaccine 24:05 injured and crippled by the toxins in 24:08 our environment we won't have severe 24:12 disease we will develop a natural herd 24:15 immunity and and those people anybody 24:19 demonstrating an antibody right now 24:21 should be allowed to go to work that's 24:24 the that's the that's the entire 24:27 definition of immune 24:30 so we don't need a vaccine forced on our 24:33 world if we're already immune and and 24:36 this virus didn't come up from Wuhan 24:39 China and it's not so we react as if 24:43 everybody asks to wear a mask because 24:47 you're making everybody sick healthy 24:49 people don't make people sick healthy 24:52 people don't express these viruses I 24:55 guarantee you I'm not expressing this 24:58 virus I will not wear a mask because I 25:01 have been infected in the laboratory by 25:04 the murine leukemia the cancer-causing 25:07 viruses which weed retroviruses which we 25:10 discovered in 2009 causing autism and if 25:15 I wear a mask I will simply reinfect 25:18 myself in and explode my dormant 25:22 quiescent immune controlled retroviruses 25:26 and I will become ill I will that 25:29 they're the last thing I will do is wear 25:32 a mask okay so now let's get to the 25:37 testing so the testing that we have it 25:41 turns out from what I understand looking 25:43 at that there's four common cold corona 25:46 viruses and those four common cold 25:49 corona viruses and I don't have the 25:52 letters and numbers that they're denoted 25:54 by are giving the false positives so 25:56 even on the FDA's website you can scroll 26:00 through the QA and find out that the 26:03 false positives are caused by those same 26:05 four common cold corona viruses so if 26:09 you can speak to that as well as talking 26:11 about the viral load so for example 26:14 people that are asymptomatic they can 26:16 either be perhaps testing for the common 26:19 cold corona viruses or they could be 26:24 they don't have a significant enough 26:26 viral load to actually have their body 26:29 show symptoms of being sick if you could 26:32 speak to that right so there are there 26:35 are two tests being done right now one 26:39 the polymerase chain reaction PCR which 26:42 shows those cross 26:44 active sequences you mentioned two other 26:47 common cold viruses that that that PCR 26:53 the reagents have been contaminated 26:56 worldwide doing a nasal swab or a throat 27:00 swab of nucleic acid sequencing does not 27:05 reflect exposure I could pull out any 27:08 microbial sequence I wanted out of 27:11 somebody's throat have you been infected 27:13 by a virus you'll make an antibody 27:16 unless your immune compromised I have an 27:20 immune deficiency so you make an 27:23 antibody an IgG says it's a past 27:27 exposure and an IgM says it's a recent 27:32 infection an IgG is a very strong 27:35 antibody that every time you're exposed 27:38 again to a virus you will this is called 27:42 a serology tests you will produce that 27:45 antibody and to a virus of that family 27:48 member there as you just mentioned you 27:52 know this this when when you make 27:55 antibodies they can be cross reactive 27:58 across an entire family because the 28:00 conserved regions of the family member 28:03 are usually tested for for strength 28:07 because that's how your immune system 28:09 responds so both of those can be called 28:13 false positives the and and both tests 28:19 should be used to confirm a positive 28:24 infection but more importantly since 28:27 infection doesn't equal disease that 28:31 inflammatory cytokine signature those 28:34 inflammatory molecules that are a simple 28:37 blood test several of which have been 28:40 have been published should also be done 28:44 so in in HIV AIDS research and all the 28:47 biology research I've always I've ever 28:50 done in the last 40 years you always do 28:52 a confirmatory test for a positive you 28:55 need at least you know two tests 28:58 say yes that's a true infection so if 29:01 it's a cross reactive antibody um you're 29:07 still developing immunity against the 29:09 corona virus and you won't necessarily 29:12 get as sick that's what all of our 29:16 vaccines 29:17 none of our vaccines that I'm aware of 29:20 prevent infection 29:22 you know measles oh you get less disease 29:25 you ameliorate disease polio that's not 29:29 a neutralizing antibody people that get 29:32 the polio vaccine don't necessarily not 29:35 get a polio virus in their system the 29:40 question is do they develop a strong 29:42 enough immune response so that the 29:44 disease is lessen so that you don't die 29:47 of disease that's that's at the heart of 29:51 vaccinology science and what why we make 29:54 these things so we're we're the numbers 29:58 where this disease has been 30:01 misrepresented in every area of the 30:04 media including the scientific media is 30:07 now we're saying what that antibody test 30:10 means is the IgG may I mean the IgM 30:14 means early in infection and the IgG 30:18 stages the disease no it doesn't that's 30:22 not immunology it means you're immune 30:25 so we've so twisted in propagandize 30:28 immunology and biology that all of a 30:31 sudden there's this super virus out 30:34 there that's a nothing for people who 30:37 are healthy and they will develop a 30:39 healthy immune response and we're saying 30:41 oh wait a minute somebody got it 30:43 infected again of course you get exposed 30:45 to these things they're everywhere 30:47 they're in every animal has 30:49 coronaviruses and as you just accurately 30:52 mentioned more than one so yes all of 30:55 the tests have cross reactivities none 30:57 of them have used other confirmatory 31:00 assays so every number and and the most 31:03 important thing is in in hospitals oh 31:06 you walk in there coughing right now or 31:09 with the chest x-ray like my 31:11 Ben who had bacterial pneumonia in his 31:14 30s 50 years ago oh if he walked in 31:18 there NES COPD by the way chronic 31:20 obstructive pulmonary disease so to the 31:23 end the end product of what a corona 31:25 virus could do but infection does not 31:29 equal disease and you don't walk into an 31:33 emergency room and diagnose an infection 31:36 with a chest x-ray I'm sorry that's not 31:39 how it works and you don't say oh well 31:41 the the the sequences were in your nose 31:45 therefore you're infected you know that 31:48 that's not how it works and it is how it 31:51 works in uh you know in 21st century 31:54 America and in 2020 when there's another 31:59 agenda towards taking away personal 32:02 freedoms making everyone walk around in 32:05 a mask is that to say you control me I 32:08 won't wear a mask I'm not going to wear 32:10 a mask there's no public health risk for 32:13 a healthy person to walk down the beach 32:15 why are you closing the bathrooms and 32:18 the restaurants if you're sick do you 32:20 really go to a restaurant 32:22 no stay home get well drink chicken soup 32:26 and vitamin C and you'll be just fine 32:28 or a little zinc so this is this is an 32:31 agenda that has nothing to do with this 32:34 infection and this none of the science 32:37 support the numbers they're giving the 32:39 numbers of death the people are said to 32:42 be dying of kovat 19 koban nineteen 32:45 means coronavirus infectious disease 19 32:49 it doesn't satisfy a single one of 32:52 Koch's postulates or hill's criteria for 32:55 every person with the virus has to have 32:58 the disease most people don't have the 33:01 disease and in fact the German numbers 33:04 are less than 0.8% get any kind of 33:07 severe disease with it so so this can 33:09 only be considered to be a plague of 33:12 corruption intended to take away 33:14 constitutional religious and every other 33:17 kind of freedoms which have been taken 33:18 from America you know by with the agenda 33:22 of this vaccine program now 33:24 since 1986 when all liabilities been 33:28 removed from manufacturers okay 33:31 that that was a mouthful thank you so 33:34 much for clarifying that now if we can 33:37 look at will this vaccine that they're 33:40 that they're coming up with won't be 33:42 alive viral vaccine like when they had 33:46 the flu mist or is it going to be a dead 33:48 a killed vaccine do you happen to know 33:51 it really doesn't matter what viral 33:54 vaccine they come up with the one if you 33:58 look at the literature and I'm happy to 34:00 allow you to post it on your site but 34:03 the vaccines for SARS and MERS remember 34:06 SARS was 2001 SARS was 2001 or two 34:14 they've yet to make us a successful 34:17 vaccine and in fact the vaccines that 34:20 they have tried have driven have caused 34:23 far more aggressive lung disease and 34:26 lung fibrosis and they know exactly the 34:29 mechanisms though so do you think if in 34:31 18 years we haven't made a vaccine 34:34 against the corona virus like SARS or 34:38 MERS and do you think in in 40 years we 34:41 haven't come close to making a vaccine 34:44 as successful as safe or efficacious 34:46 vaccine against HIV or retroviruses that 34:50 there's going to be any vaccine anybody 34:54 I won't let anybody in come anywhere 34:57 near injecting me with anything they 35:00 make so can you make a safe vaccine you 35:04 know I I think there are ways to do it 35:08 do we have therapies right now we don't 35:11 need a vaccine all you have to do is 35:13 have a healthy immune system every one 35:16 of those people who are infected 35:18 particularly if they have a severe 35:20 response and survive have made have made 35:24 the vaccine we're talking about herd 35:27 immunity 35:28 meaning the exposed who don't get sick 35:31 are immune because they make antibodies 35:33 and adaptive have adaptive memory 35:36 responses to the path 35:38 all we have to do is take that and and 35:42 give it to the susceptible we we do it 35:45 all the time in medicine you know is 35:47 therapy yes so I agree with you 100% I 35:52 would never take any of their vaccines 35:54 live or dead I am personally 35:55 unvaccinated I have four children 35:57 they're all on by unvaccinated I just 36:00 also want to have you talk about with 36:04 with pertaining to the retroviruses and 36:07 that's where your experience is is just 36:11 absolutely incredible and you've had 36:12 direct interaction with Tony foul Chi 36:14 and so I just want you to kind of give 36:17 people a fresh perspective on his 36:20 character and what your experience has 36:23 been with doctor foul chi minh started 36:29 too long ago 1984 but I probably just 36:36 spin forward to 2009 through 11 so when 36:42 we published in the journal Science the 36:45 isolation of a new family of human 36:49 retroviruses called 36:51 XM RVs that was zina tropic murine 36:54 leukemia virus related retroviruses the 36:59 cancer-causing murine means Mouse 37:02 leukaemia cancers causing viruses from 37:05 people with the disease known as myalgic 37:10 encephalomyelitis inflammation of the 37:12 spinal cord and brain and week the CDC 37:16 dubbed that chronic fatigue syndrome to 37:19 stigmatize the sufferers so when it was 37:22 clear in when we published our paper and 37:26 showed the IKE not only the isolation of 37:29 the virus several strains of the virus 37:31 and a strong association with the 37:35 disease that the journal science 37:37 wouldn't allow us to stay strong even 37:39 though I think there were about 18 zeros 37:41 in the peva 37:42 in front of the p-value so that's the 37:45 chance that it happened by chance and 37:47 was not associated that virus wasn't 37:49 associated with this 37:51 severe debilitating disease was highly 37:55 significant 37:57 at any rate between 2009 and 2011 it was 38:02 the this the data became stronger and 38:06 stronger that there were many strains of 38:08 Mouse related Lu cancer viruses a 38:13 neurological Dean's causing viruses 38:17 associated you know Parkinson's disease 38:19 Alzheimer's disease autism lupus a lot 38:22 of autoimmune diseases OCD you name it 38:26 and there were at least 32 diseases and 38:31 many many cancers associated with this 38:33 family of viruses when those data became 38:37 very clear and one of our colleagues and 38:40 HIV published an opinion paper that said 38:43 the most likely way that Mouse virus is 38:47 Zoe knows Zoe knows or jumped into 38:51 humans was by biological therapies and 38:55 the most prominent of which in the last 38:57 30 years had been vaccines we could we 39:00 used mice for all of our research in all 39:04 of the labs it was very clear in 2010 39:08 and 11 the blood supply was heavily 39:10 contaminated that more than 25 million 39:14 Americans at work care were infected 39:17 we're carrying these mouse related 39:20 cancer-causing viruses and ticking time 39:24 bombs for developing cancer and all the 39:26 related diseases which is occurring in 39:29 that patient population this was 25 39:32 times hiv/aids in this country which was 39:36 only 1 million Americans in 1991 when I 39:40 defended my PhD thesis so the Francis 39:46 Collins in the NIH in 2010 when when 39:51 four percent of the controls which we 39:55 got from the blood supply in a study 39:57 were reported at a meeting at the end at 40:00 the NIH on September 6 of 2010 40:04 when in that meeting francis collins 40:06 ordered tony foul qi to fund and direct 40:11 a large confirmatory or replication 40:15 study which in Lipkin would lead at 40:21 Columbia University and several cohorts 40:24 of patients four or five would be 40:27 gathered and matching controls age sex 40:30 matching controls well they weren't 40:33 about to let that study happen using 40:35 real patients that that fit the criteria 40:38 we use except one of those cohorts which 40:43 came from the the Stanford area in 40:48 Northern California one of the 40:50 epicenters of hiv/aids and and this 40:53 disease myalgic encephalomyelitis 40:56 chronic fatigue syndrome we did the 41:01 study tony foutch she forbade me put an 41:05 order out that if i step foot in frank 41:09 Rossetti's lab where i worked for almost 41:11 22 years at the National Cancer 41:15 Institute in Frederick Maryland in Fort 41:17 Dietrich if I came into the lab to do 41:21 that study I would be arrested so I and 41:26 and and yet there was a figurative and 41:29 literal gun to my head that if I didn't 41:32 agree that the study was fair and I did 41:35 the whole study you know that they would 41:38 never go look for the viruses again I 41:41 mean yeah Tony Fauci and then when 41:44 against all odds I call it doing 41:46 retrovirology and virus isolation by 41:50 phone because dr. resetti wears my eyes 41:53 in the lab and he called me to say is 41:55 this what the cells look like is this 41:57 what the cells how to harvest the virus 42:00 at the peak of its infective we we've 42:03 got the positives we got the right 42:06 answers in that group in that patient 42:09 population from Stanford Tony Fouts she 42:12 stopped the study said time to stop 42:15 wasting the government money 42:17 and and they applied as statistics to 42:20 the program called the teacup statistics 42:23 and in that that's beyond comprehension 42:26 of the stupidity and the in the evil of 42:30 this man Tony pouchy so there was never 42:33 he was never going to allow the the 42:37 realization that vaccines cause cancer 42:40 that vaccines cause autism that vaccines 42:44 cause mecfs that that vaccines cause the 42:48 evolution of more and more virulent 42:51 strains of cancer-causing viruses that 42:55 they are directed directly injecting 42:58 into infants and old people and that's 43:01 exactly how this corona virus cove in 43:06 nineteen this is this is a big cover-up 43:10 of the bigger problem we don't even 43:12 think one thing about two thousand 43:15 people a day who died of cancer in this 43:18 country do you really think a little 43:20 cough and and in keeping people out of 43:23 restaurants and stores I'm talking about 43:26 two thousand and nine and nine we 43:29 described infectious transmissible 43:32 cancer and Tony foul she made it all go 43:36 away Wow so let's go ahead and just 43:39 review a few things doctor Judy so with 43:43 the transmission you believe this is a a 43:47 virus that went through the flu vaccines 43:50 and that's how it started and it is 43:51 transmissible person-to-person you 43:54 believe that the tests would be 43:56 inaccurate because you can't just have 43:58 this positive or negative with not 44:01 without looking more into the antibodies 44:03 without looking more unto nonspecific 44:07 immunity and also would you would you 44:11 throw out there I'm sure some of our 44:13 listeners are aware of like sv40 was 44:15 that another retrovirus that was in the 44:19 polio vaccines that we gave another 44:21 retrovirus that causes cancer and just 44:25 so for our audience to be clear that 44:28 retroviruses what 44:31 if you wanna let our audience know if 44:34 they've been vaccinated and now they're 44:36 thinking oh my goodness I have all these 44:38 different animal viruses that wouldn't 44:42 have caused a problem within the animals 44:43 but because they've been injected to me 44:46 because vaccines are passed through all 44:48 these different animal cell cultures to 44:51 attenuate them 44:52 I now have these within me and how can I 44:56 suppress them what can I do in order for 44:59 them to not express and activate yes so 45:05 sv40 simian virus 40 is not a retrovirus 45:08 but it is absolutely a cancer-causing 45:12 virus and it was absolutely transmitted 45:15 through the polio vaccines and causes 45:18 things like mesothelioma and you know so 45:22 people who were told that mesothelioma 45:24 and some of the other lung cancers were 45:26 only caused by cigarette smoking or 45:29 asbestos exposure and they never smoked 45:32 a cigarette and were never exposed and 45:34 developed the cancers and died very 45:37 young yes sv40 another cancer-causing 45:41 virus was absolutely spread through the 45:45 human population via vaccines yes we've 45:50 all been vaccinated I I got the smallpox 45:56 vaccine and the polio vaccine 46:00 back in the 1960s them important to say 46:03 they weren't near as 30 then and we 46:06 didn't get anywhere near the number of 46:09 vaccines we get since the liability was 46:12 removed from pharmaceutical companies 46:15 and essentially anybody giving vaccines 46:18 so there is a bundle of money because if 46:21 you call your drug a vaccine you can 46:23 just make a ton of money you don't have 46:24 to safety test it I think your audience 46:27 probably knows that from the work of of 46:30 RFK jr. and the Children's Health 46:32 Defense Fund and the ican organization 46:36 under Dell big tree that in fact the 46:38 government has admitted no safety 46:40 testing has been done on the schedule or 46:43 the vaccines placebo control 46:45 saline or saltwater sugar water 46:49 controlled vaccines hasn't happened with 46:52 a single vaccine on the schedule and 46:55 won't because there's no liability so 46:58 that law has to be changed or completely 47:02 it's gone just wipe it from the books 47:05 from 1986 and that and that's another 47:08 president who Tony foul she stood next 47:10 to Ronald Reagan and scared him oh we 47:13 won't make your vaccines 47:15 if you don't remove all liability 47:17 because vaccines are unavoidably unsafe 47:20 and that was at the time the DTP the DPP 47:25 had a whole cell debris in it those 47:28 whole cell DNA proteins that were 47:32 literally killing the children it was 47:35 given to or causing lifelong seizures 47:38 and disease so what to do about it 47:41 we've all been infected well that that 47:44 is the good news because again you know 47:48 we we really are wonderfully and 47:51 fearfully made by God and I'm living 47:55 proof and the many HIV infected people 48:00 around the world who we don't even hear 48:03 about them anymore because though 48:07 they're infected we know how with 48:09 natural products with type 1 interferon 48:12 with healthy diets with medical cannabis 48:16 with lots and lots of natural therapies 48:20 that energy therapies things like rife 48:24 and and magnetic therapies we can 48:26 literally zap them once they wake up we 48:29 can detect the energies and change 48:31 things there's a tremendous amount of 48:34 Technology and a tremendous amount 48:36 that's been done to keep the virus quiet 48:41 learn how to keep the virus quiet 48:44 absolutely don't eat GMO genetically 48:48 modified anything and and that's what 48:50 vaccines are right now genetically 48:52 modified organisms don't allow ever 48:55 again another injection because everyone 48:58 could act 48:59 to the point that the firestorm can't be 49:03 silenced and it could kill you this is 49:06 who we are seeing dying is the is the 49:10 elderly with the cofactors with the 49:13 other disease this is who will be 49:17 sickened to a point of possible death 49:22 with the coronavirus so again these are 49:26 these are deadly diseases 21,000 people 49:30 died by the contagious Ebola that went 49:33 through Liberia in 2014 but 49:38 understanding the immune response and 49:41 actually taking all that we've done with 49:44 medicine in the last 40 years 49:47 understanding these outbreaks and what 49:50 stop them and asking these questions 49:52 like you're doing these intelligent 49:54 questions we can absolutely do it he eat 49:58 hole real food 50:00 you know simple vitamin C type 1 50:02 interferon the drugs that you know 50:05 president that Tony pouchy called 50:08 anecdotal the anti malarial drugs those 50:12 have been used for 70 years the w-h-o 50:15 the World Health Organization has a list 50:17 of essential medicine and these anti 50:20 malarial drugs were on it and in fact 50:23 when the doctor and nurse got infected 50:25 Kent Kent Brantly is the doctor and I 50:28 forgot Nancy's last name in that Ebola 50:30 outbreak the doctor they are wisely 50:33 quickly you after he knew that they were 50:36 possibly exposed used anti malarial 50:39 drugs the the Plaquenil 50:41 the chloroquine these used properly can 50:45 be safe we've learned how to use the 50:49 antiretroviral therapy to the point 50:51 where we have commercials about prep 50:54 pre-exposure pre exposure HIV drugs on 50:59 TV and so we know how to use these low 51:02 dose safely and efficaciously to to not 51:06 only prevent disease exacerbation or 51:10 spread throughout an individual's body 51:12 or 51:13 throughout a population but in a way to 51:15 actually recover function that that that 51:19 you didn't have an investigator did a 51:22 study of a one of the first aids drug a 51:26 product called sermon and that that's on 51:29 the WDSU are ami end that's on the WH 51:33 o--'s list of essential medicines for 51:37 African sleeping sickness and that drug 51:41 has a has a very long half-life and use 51:44 very very low dose actually got kids 51:48 with autism associated with XM rvs 51:52 because that's why the investigator 51:53 tried that drug it's perfect against 51:56 gamma retroviruses it allowed these kids 52:00 to get their their voices back their 52:02 lives back they stopped the drug 52:04 Monsanto and Bayer who own it stop the 52:07 drug and took it away from the kids so 52:10 we need to do we need to release the 52:12 natural medicines we leave we need to we 52:14 need to close the FDA the FDA is another 52:18 one of these criminal organization the 52:23 right test in the beginning if they'd 52:25 allowed these drugs in the beginning 52:27 like President Trump wanted to if 52:29 they've done what Korea did with a 52:31 validated test and and and using the the 52:34 knowledge of herd immunity find out 52:36 who's immune transfer the antibodies to 52:39 the sick and and and prevent the disease 52:42 Fred you don't have to lock down an 52:44 entire world or an entire nation we've 52:47 got the ability to do that now and we 52:49 had it two months ago and yet the FDA 52:51 stood in the way because when these 52:54 tests are done it'll show everything I'm 52:57 saying and others are saying about this 52:59 plague of corruption that it's exactly 53:01 right that this was in this when it was 53:03 an agenda that went far beyond an 53:07 uninfected is the infection can the 53:10 infection be dangerous to the 53:12 susceptible absolutely I'm the most 53:14 susceptible I'm loaded with XMRV but I 53:17 don't ever have to get the cancers are 53:20 associated neurological diseases as long 53:24 as I can use my cannabis 53:26 I can use my healthy food I can use 53:28 vitamin C and take advantage of in type 53:31 1 interferon alpha you know Merck 53:34 discontinued selling human type 1 53:37 interferon alpha it fit a 50 million 53:41 international unit vial cost $600 and 53:45 would have protected a thousand elderly 53:49 susceptible people for a week 404 a week 53:54 at 50 cents a dose oh they don't make it 53:57 anymore oh okay 53:59 so the this cures are out there the 54:02 treatments to give infected people a 54:05 high quality of life just like we gave 54:08 HIV infected people a high quality of 54:11 life since our discoveries of 1991 54:15 since understanding how the immune 54:18 system is dysregulated we know exactly 54:20 how XMRV dis regulates the immune system 54:24 to do to lead to cancers in the 54:26 devastating mecfs and yet these patients 54:30 are denied those drugs they're simply 54:33 called crazy or I I can't even I can't 54:36 even go into the politics of what 54:38 they've done to millions of suffering 54:40 people around the world people stuck in 54:42 their beds can't can't be exposed to 54:46 sunlight or noise um you know have have 54:50 been in this kind of isolation for 30 54:52 years Wow so you said so much and I just 54:57 want to kind of highlight a few things 54:58 so essentially going back to Coba 19 are 55:03 we looking at something that's been here 55:06 and because we put a spotlight on it 55:08 because we put the magnifying glass on 55:10 it and we're testing for it and all of a 55:13 sudden people that are dying from you 55:16 know all types of comorbidities and that 55:18 would have died anywhere anyway they are 55:21 just being they're dying with kovat or 55:25 even one of the you know a 55:26 false-positive with one of the common 55:28 cold corona viruses and they're just 55:31 being labeled as a co vat19 death so i 55:33 want you to just touch that as well as 55:37 I heard you say before the excipient 55:42 list has been removed and so we can't 55:44 even see like on package inserts the 55:47 different animal tissues that these 55:50 vaccines have been developed on so I 55:52 want you to if you can touch on that and 55:55 there was a couple there were so many 55:57 things that I so if you can just if you 56:01 want to do that first talk about the 56:03 excipient list as well as is that really 56:06 what we're seeing just give us a big 56:08 picture dr. judy and just say yes that 56:10 this has probably started since 2000 you 56:13 said 13 or 15 maybe with that engineered 56:16 virus that it's inside of the flu 56:18 vaccine and it is spreading but it's 56:20 just because we're putting that 56:21 spotlight on it that that's really what 56:23 this pandemic is correct so the easiest 56:27 thing I can answer that question with is 56:29 think about every year in your recent 56:32 memory influenza flu influenza flu oh 56:36 look how many flu deaths we have the flu 56:38 vaccine doesn't work and I'm just 56:40 talking about CNN and your local media 56:42 news oh look you know all the 80,000 56:45 people the CDC said died of influenza 56:47 last year and yet only less than a 56:50 thousand of those had a positive for 56:54 instance and so that's the answer to the 56:58 question have you heard one word about 57:01 influenza this year oh no now 57:04 everything's coronavirus Kovan 19 so 57:08 they just changed flu two covin 19 and 57:11 so yes there are many many causes 57:15 bacterial and an other of pneumonia of 57:18 the kind of lung disease we're seeing of 57:21 people you know like my 81 year old 57:24 husband with COPD who could die 57:27 otherwise and with these disease you 57:30 know from these diseases so yes this 57:33 year it's like oh let's just call 57:36 everything COBIT 19 and and where's your 57:39 influenza you don't hear about it at all 57:41 and and so yes everything was changed to 57:45 Cove in nineteen so in in those 80 57:49 thousand people that the seed 57:50 see I said died of flu which was assumed 57:54 to be influenza which was test positive 57:58 confirmed influenza less than a thousand 58:03 of those eighty-nine thousand were the 58:06 other seventy nine thousand 58:08 coronaviruses were 30,000 of those 58:11 coronaviruses and some bacterial 58:14 pneumonia and some respiratory syncytial 58:17 virus a--'s are the other causes of of 58:20 flu or upper respiratory infections 58:24 including vaccines vaccine injury causes 58:29 reactive airway disease because it and 58:33 those are the papers that we were 58:35 discussing earlier the vaccines you're 58:38 injecting a recombinant thing that is 58:40 supposed to drive the same inflammatory 58:44 immune response well in an immune 58:46 compromised person they can and do kill 58:50 them so that's the first question the 58:53 first question let me think if I can 58:56 remember the second question list so 59:01 have they taken off the excipient list 59:05 can you no longer find all the different 59:07 tissues that they are running these 59:10 vaccines through to develop them and all 59:13 the different potential retroviruses 59:15 they're picking up so that we can 59:17 actually see that on a package insert or 59:19 they have they taken that off or we can 59:21 we still read that the the CDC's vaccine 59:26 excipient list was modified at the 59:30 beginning of 2019 so doctor resetti and 59:35 i and many others like teresa Dicer and 59:37 barbara lo Fisher and and at the vaccine 59:41 in information center the National 59:44 Vaccine Information had had been talking 59:47 about the the possibilities for of these 59:52 animal tissues these human fetal cells 59:55 you know for five ten years many many 59:58 people talking about this and we'd been 60:00 putting cytokine storm that they 60:04 you're seeing in the press now and the 60:06 vaccine in in our expert opinions in the 60:10 vaccines court over and over said that's 60:13 impossible there's no such things 60:15 vaccines only induced local reactions 60:18 and we built the argument for dozens of 60:21 cases in detail of what I've told you 60:24 here with molecular detail pictures and 60:27 references about how these what the 60:30 government calls adventitious agents oh 60:33 they picked these up from the tissue 60:35 culture and and they admitted it on the 60:39 road attack vaccine in the excipient 60:42 list of 2012 through 2015 it says 60:47 porcine Pig coronaviruses and retrovirus 60:51 this pig in in that rota Tech vaccine 60:56 given to a two month old and they said 60:59 oh but there's no evidence those hurt 61:01 anybody they cause any kind of disease 61:05 in humans so they say yes there are 61:08 adventitious agents in the vaccines in 61:12 numerous publications which I can 61:14 provide you but there's no evidence they 61:17 cause disease 61:18 so in 2019 you know we're putting this 61:23 in others in case after case in vaccine 61:26 court saying yeah they can do this they 61:28 can cause cytokine storms they can cause 61:30 the accelerated evolution of a more 61:33 pathogenic strain of virus that nobody 61:36 notices until it kills a lot of people 61:39 and so the CDC simply took the animal 61:44 cell lines like you know calf serum and 61:47 cow blood and made in darby kidney cell 61:50 and the wi 38 fetal tissue cells that 61:54 dr. die sure was talking they just took 61:57 them out of the excipient list and they 62:00 said at the top of their excipient list 62:02 published online and i can provide your 62:04 audience with the old one versus the new 62:07 one because i keep the old ones and and 62:10 and you can see they're gone and so now 62:13 people looks at vaccines and they say oh 62:15 there's nothing in there 62:17 but sucrose and some dextran and some 62:21 polysorbate 80 and some aluminum 62:24 adjuvant sand and all of that was placed 62:27 into the package insert given the doctor 62:31 that number one the doctor doesn't know 62:34 it's there the doctor probably hasn't 62:36 read those and the the patient the the 62:39 participant the recipient is never given 62:43 that package in sir nor are they given 62:45 informed consent and explained what 62:48 explains what the dangers are to them 62:51 so yes the CDC oh so quietly took it off 62:55 the excipient list Wow although it I'm 62:58 glad it's still on the package insert 63:00 and they haven't because I've heard 63:01 that's gonna get changed too and I'd 63:03 like you to just elaborate a little bit 63:06 more with the rise in chronic disease we 63:09 have such an explosion and chronic 63:11 disease are you saying that the this 63:15 huge explosion is from the vaccines and 63:18 from the retroviruses that are in the 63:20 vaccines and also if you could just 63:22 since you know Cobin 19 is such a small 63:26 problem compared to autism which is now 63:28 one in 36 kids and I heard you say that 63:29 there was a drug that they pulled back 63:32 that gave these kids back their voice 63:34 and if you could just mention the name 63:36 of that drug and if there is some type 63:38 of generic and if they if anybody can 63:40 get ahold of that I would just like you 63:42 to touch on that real quick well so so 63:47 yes I call the the huge explosion of 63:52 chronic disease I call it 21st century 63:56 acquired endocannabinoid immune 63:59 deficiency so it's 21st century AIDS 64:02 there was hiv/aids in in in the 20th 64:08 century and now the 21st century AIDS is 64:13 driven not only by the retroviral 64:16 contaminants but you know coronavirus 64:19 condemned its sv40 contaminates 64:21 bacterial contaminants we don't often 64:24 think about lyme Borrelia so look at the 64:28 explosion of lyme disease 64:30 Elya Babesia we culture these cells in 64:34 antibiotics antibiotics driving gut 64:37 dysbiosis dysregulation of the 64:40 microbiome the excipient contain 64:44 antibiotics so you're injecting a 64:46 newborn with antibiotics the food 64:49 allergies the asthma the asthma you know 64:52 all of the garbage in those shots 64:54 aluminum than one mercury the most 64:57 extreme neurotoxic sin immuno toxic 65:00 agents that we have it's not just the 65:03 the bio actives if you will the viruses 65:06 and the bacteria but it's the it's the 65:10 aluminum the polysorbate 80 which is a 65:12 detergent literally that breaks up the 65:15 bread blood-brain barrier injecting 65:17 these by the skin by the nose at least 65:20 we can go out and and and breathe in 65:24 clean air and and and not breathe in 65:27 virus you're injecting this you have no 65:31 idea what happens when you inject versus 65:34 ingest because you bypass the immune 65:38 system the skin the gut the nasal 65:41 pharyngeal cavity all of these things 65:43 have enzymes that break down all of 65:46 those microbial sequences all of those 65:49 viruses before they ever get to your 65:52 immune system and we inject them in a 65:55 newborn who can't detox them whose liver 65:58 isn't developed whose kidneys aren't 66:00 developed or we did we inject them in an 66:05 old person with comorbidities as we 66:08 described on heavy medication we don't 66:11 understand the drug interactions 66:13 nobody's ever looked sorry I talk too 66:18 much and I got that XMRV thing going on 66:22 anyway so we don't we've we've created 66:29 this explosion of chronic disease we 66:35 maimed our thinking we've named our 66:37 entire culture we've created cancer 66:40 younger and younger and younger and all 66:43 the medical 66:44 establishment says is better methods of 66:47 detection we just couldn't see it before 66:50 so this is the crime against humanity 66:54 and and hopefully the good news about 66:58 this pandemic in this Cove in nineteen 67:02 fraud against all of humanity is that 67:05 people will wake up and see it that by 67:08 staying in our houses and we are we're 67:13 able to eat healthy food and that we 67:15 wake up and we refuse to let anyone take 67:18 away our rights anymore our religious 67:21 freedoms to go to church are being 67:24 forced to be injected or not we don't go 67:27 to school or we don't have jobs if we as 67:30 a people don't stand up and say no more 67:33 we won't allow you to perpetrate this 67:35 fraud on us we won't allow I will never 67:38 allow you know our bodies are our 67:41 god-given this is this is Nuremberg code 67:45 informed consent consent consent consent 67:48 not mandates not fear we don't live on 67:52 fear that's not what this country was 67:54 made for I certainly don't and I know 67:56 none of my friends and colleagues do Wow 68:00 that was I couldn't say it better I mean 68:03 I don't understand how we're just so 68:04 willing to give up our Liberty for a 68:07 false sense of security and that you 68:09 know give me liberty or give me death so 68:11 I the reason I brought up earlier the 68:14 was is this vaccine because that's the 68:17 endgame that's the big moneymaker you 68:18 know you've got seven billion people on 68:20 the planet and you know you multiply 68:22 that by $50 a shot this could be they're 68:24 saying this could come around every year 68:26 they're you know pointing in the 68:28 direction of you know a recurrent just 68:30 like we get a flu shot well we don't but 68:32 the the masses get a flu shot every year 68:35 this could be such a huge moneymaker and 68:37 the reason I brought up is the the 68:39 vaccine that they're planning to market 68:43 live or dead because there was that TED 68:46 talk of that doctor who for I don't know 68:49 how many years down in Africa realized 68:52 when they went back and did a 68:53 retrospective study and they realized 68:56 that the 68:57 the killed the killed vaccines were 69:00 causing like a five to ten fold higher 69:02 risk of all-cause mortality than the 69:05 live vaccines so that's why I just 69:07 wanted to look out you know for because 69:09 I know I have friends I have family that 69:11 are gonna be taking whatever vaccine 69:13 they're there they can't wait for it so 69:15 I just wondered you know in the long run 69:18 will it be even more detrimental and if 69:21 you can you know if you want to comment 69:23 on that also I heard you mentioned 69:25 before of things that we have more you 69:27 know great therapeutics like you 69:30 mentioned the rife machine and I'm sure 69:31 some of our viewers are familiar with 69:33 royal Raymond rife and what happened to 69:35 him and just because a lot of people are 69:38 divided on with I wanted you to speak to 69:41 with 5-g I know 26,000 scientists have 69:46 signed a petition against 5g for the 69:49 potential health effects and so you know 69:52 of course rife technology is going to be 69:54 therapeutic electromagnetic frequency 69:57 and if you could just maybe mention that 70:00 how it could potentiate and maybe even 70:03 the elected we are electric you know we 70:06 take electrolytes we have the electron 70:09 electron transport chain we we get our 70:11 EKG so we are electric being so if you 70:14 can kind of touch on the potential 70:16 danger that 5g could hold and and if 70:19 that's not your area of expertise no 70:22 problem but I just wondered if you could 70:23 comment on that well there's a there's a 70:26 great paper on on that that James 70:28 Grundig rode and posted on sherry 10 70:30 pennies Baxter dot-com website and he 70:35 goes into it in great detail but it's I 70:37 absolutely agree that the 5g this energy 70:41 they activate the expression of viruses 70:43 because viruses are electrical they used 70:46 just as we are electrically are 70:48 signaling our endocannabinoid system is 70:51 a charge signaling system it's all about 70:54 energy it's all about photons it's all 70:57 about light so yes you can use these 70:59 therapeutically but yes you can use them 71:02 to great harm if too much energy is put 71:06 on a susceptible individual um that can 71:11 absolutely drive progression of viral 71:14 associated disease long long long 71:16 history of that absolutely no question 71:20 about that and and James article like I 71:23 can make it available to you it it's I'm 71:25 not good at energy although I'm I'm 71:28 afraid I'm gonna have to learn some more 71:29 physics here in order to understand all 71:32 of the interactions with because just so 71:35 much is going on with energy transport 71:38 in our bodies and so the mitochondrial 71:40 deficiencies are what we're seeing those 71:43 are our energy store house through the 71:45 electron transport chain which you 71:47 mentioned that's absolutely crippled by 71:50 viral infections and though those are 71:52 driven you know by concentrated amounts 71:56 of 5g and the kinds of energies 71:58 especially with the aluminum in being 72:02 injected in our bodies and if you will 72:05 in the chemtrails and and everything 72:07 we're exposed to so yes the energy 72:10 certainly makes a big big big difference 72:15 in our world okay so now thank you for 72:19 that I really appreciate it and also 72:21 with chronic disease do you think that 72:23 with these retroviruses you kind of have 72:26 a chronic state of inflammation so I 72:28 wanted to get back I wanted you to touch 72:30 on the autism drug that gave the kids 72:32 their voices back and with autism you 72:35 know there's more and more researchers 72:36 that are saying that it's a a chronic 72:39 basically like an autoimmune disease of 72:42 the brain and so you know interleukin 6 72:45 is elevated and all these different and 72:47 you talk about the you know cytokine 72:49 storms that basically it's a dysfunction 72:53 of the immune system and so they have 72:55 this chronic state of inflammation 72:58 within their brains because it's a 73:00 autoimmune disease of the brain if you 73:02 can speak on that and that and that drug 73:04 that gave the voices back yeah so 73:06 autoimmune is is kind of used improperly 73:10 like it's my fault my cells attack 73:12 themselves but autoimmune is meaning you 73:17 that the primary job of your immune 73:19 system is to tell self from non-self and 73:22 that ability to 73:24 what's bad and what's good what's you is 73:28 really dysregulated as as we know when 73:31 you know before the immune system before 73:35 the gut microbiome is is fully developed 73:37 before all the different microbiota so 73:40 all of those cells the the microglia in 73:44 the brain and the immune cells 73:46 throughout your body are dysregulated 73:50 every single injection so the biggest 73:53 single crime is that we're injecting 73:55 non-self at birth why would you give 73:59 hepatitis B vaccine with a boatload of 74:01 aluminum or vitamin K with a boatload of 74:04 aluminum - on the first day of life they 74:08 automatically cannot from that you know 74:12 day on then it becomes cumulative as to 74:15 how much damages that been done it's 74:17 amazing how good our bodies are that we 74:20 see people functioning at all with 74:22 what's being injected in a child before 74:25 they're three years old before they can 74:28 detox things through their kidneys and 74:30 and have appropriate liver function and 74:33 before they've developed their good 74:35 versus the bad microbiome mu bacteria in 74:39 the gut 74:40 in the brain in the nasal pharyngeal in 74:42 the ears everywhere that there is so the 74:46 the the drug that was done in a clinical 74:48 trial a small clinical trial but 74:51 double-blind placebo-controlled was 74:54 called sermon as you are am i and and if 74:59 you weeka pedia that it's going to be on 75:02 the w-h-o essential list of medicine and 75:06 you for about a hundred years used for 75:09 African sleeping sickness and and what 75:14 you'll see is it's a it's a large 75:16 molecule with a lot of charge on it so 75:20 it absorbs charge so it kind of protects 75:24 the membrane of cells and we've done a 75:26 lot of studies over the years in cancer 75:30 and the place the problem with the why 75:33 those studies weren't done anymore is 75:35 because the drug wasn't used to probe 75:38 so number one it's off patent it you 75:41 can't patent it you have to make it 75:43 something new it costs essentially 75:46 nothing and and we realized that in 75:50 those studies in the in the 80s and 90s 75:52 against retroviral and other kinds of 75:55 cancers it was particularly effective 75:57 against some htlv-1 so this is like a 76:01 sponge a sink to soak up charge so it 76:05 keeps things away from your membranes 76:07 away from dis regulating those key 76:10 signaling molecules like the cannabinoid 76:13 receptors from dis regulating the immune 76:16 response you know by by soaking up the 76:20 charge of all of the various viral and 76:23 non-viral charge pathogens so it was it 76:28 has a half-life of I don't know close to 76:30 six weeks to two months meaning you only 76:33 need to dose it very very very low dose 76:37 every couple of months and people will 76:41 the the children were seeing gains and 76:43 function getting their voice back making 76:46 eye contact without pain slowly 76:49 renormalizing their their their brain 76:53 their their microglia the contacts and 76:55 and we know cannabinoids are extremely 76:58 important and and and you don't really 77:01 can regenerate appropriate brain 77:04 signaling and microglia and aster glia 77:07 the function of the brain immune system 77:10 to to restore it to health so that that 77:14 drug is not available anywhere this 77:16 study was published in the summer of 77:19 2015 and Bayer immediately took it off 77:25 the market we tried to get this meaning 77:28 we the Royal the the Royal we have a 77:30 large group of physician did everything 77:33 we could to get this to the sickest of 77:35 patients and see if we could continue 77:38 the work and and of course it was 77:42 stopped by by the how at higher powers 77:44 at the highest levels of you know the 77:46 World Health Organization 77:49 when these essential medicines 77:51 and and our FDA and our Tony Fauci oh 77:54 that's experimental well what do you 77:56 think an untested virus injected to a 77:59 two month old you know that's not 78:01 immunity and and now we know that that 78:04 there's nothing but driving disease so 78:07 the vaccines are driving the pandemics 78:10 and if if this could take that and we 78:14 just need to bring back natural medicine 78:16 and the medicines the older medicine so 78:19 that we can learn from them and use them 78:21 appropriately combined with other 78:24 natural products and of course 78:25 cannabinoid phyto cannabinoids um we 78:29 could we could restore our health 78:31 oh thank you so much for that that is 78:34 such a disappointment because you know 78:36 I've worked with kids with autism and 78:38 it's so heartbreaking their family what 78:40 their families go through and I just 78:43 wanted to see if you were aware of that 78:46 malaria drug 78:48 I guess the mechanism of accent action 78:50 is it's driving zinc into the cells and 78:53 that's what you know zinc is so 78:54 essential for our immune system and it 78:56 turns out you know just like there's 78:57 always a natural alternative to a 79:00 patented medicine that it turns out 79:02 black seed oil does that same thing it 79:04 even has that that kind of Quin name 79:09 within within the the official name of 79:12 the black seed oil and so that can 79:14 accomplish the same thing it sounds like 79:16 that the malaria drug does but you can 79:18 just order it you know at your health 79:21 food store so I just wondered if you 79:23 happen to know if that drug sermon has a 79:27 natural alternative you kind of describe 79:29 the mechanism of action as being like 79:31 it's it sounded almost like a master you 79:34 know antioxidant and we know of course 79:36 kids with with autism have very little 79:38 glutathione levels and so it sounded 79:41 like it's just kind of mopping up the 79:43 mess which you know it's kind of like an 79:45 antioxidant neutralizing free radicals 79:47 and oxidative stress so is there a key 79:50 are you aware of how sermon what it's 79:54 derived from is there a natural 79:56 alternative that you're aware of I'm not 80:00 aware of it I looked at it briefly 80:03 it was synthetic when it 80:05 was made a hundred years or so ago so 80:08 you know obviously in this in this day 80:11 and age of Internet some of those papers 80:14 are a little bit difficult to get and so 80:18 I I didn't study it a long time because 80:21 you know for me yes while natural is 80:24 good if you've got a synthetic or you've 80:28 got a drug that has been used safely as 80:31 minimal side effects and and can help a 80:35 lot of people you know use it at least 80:37 on the short-term why reinvent the wheel 80:40 so I don't know much about black seed 80:44 oil or the abilities I do struggle a bit 80:47 because of my I'm a natural products 80:50 chemists we have the same problem with 80:53 natural products for instance we were 80:56 talking this afternoon in a webinar for 81:00 canna world for medical cannabis and you 81:03 know if you dry cannabis with glyphosate 81:07 if you grow cannabis in fields with 81:10 glyphosate or roundup being used if you 81:15 grow in you know soil depleted of 81:18 minerals like zinc which all our soil is 81:22 depleted of minerals now in the 21st 81:25 century you know so it's it's hard to 81:28 keep clean natural products so health 81:32 food store it's all about 81:34 bioavailability and does it get to the 81:37 right place at the right time and is it 81:39 formulated in a way to help so I I still 81:43 advocate bringing back natural products 81:46 chemists because it's tough to tell 81:50 listeners and tell people number one to 81:54 grow their own because they are 81:56 suffering so much and obviously their 82:00 families are already struggling with 82:02 with too much we can all go out and be 82:05 farmers but as my friend the 82:07 endocrinologist dr. Zack Bush said 82:10 better in this day and age to know your 82:13 farmer than your doctor I'm so that's 82:17 the place we should all go so I 82:19 I'd love to say use food as medicine 82:22 rather than buy more pills this is this 82:26 is just what I've always done it's my 82:28 practice I I don't tend to take a lot of 82:31 supplements I I do tend to do the best I 82:34 can with foods and and be minimal as far 82:38 as the supplements but I agree with you 82:40 there's a great need for that it's just 82:42 it's tough to know everything oh that 82:45 was fantastic and since you mentioned 82:47 dr. Zack Bush who's a triple board 82:50 certified medical doctor and I'm a huge 82:52 fan and I follow and listen to so much 82:54 of his work he talks about how there's 82:57 more viruses than there are stars in the 83:00 universe and he talks about how we have 83:03 this microbiome which we're just 83:04 beginning to see the importance of and 83:06 out numbers are our regular cells tend 83:09 to one and how important it is for 83:10 overall health and our immune system and 83:13 so he's kind of alluded to that there 83:16 might be like you know he talks about 83:18 micro RNA which leaves the body and so 83:20 remember when all the scientists said oh 83:22 you know 99% of your genome is junk DNA 83:26 and of course we know that god doesn't 83:28 make junk so we knew that was false and 83:30 then of course they were wrong and we 83:32 find out that 99% of it has to do with 83:34 genetic expression and it's micro RNA 83:37 which actually can leave the body and 83:38 and actually be like a messenger and so 83:42 in a sense there's he alludes to there 83:46 being maybe a viral biome so just as 83:48 we're starting to realize within within 83:52 the trees within plant system that they 83:55 communicate via the roots and the and 83:58 the rhizosphere and the micro Rhys a and 84:00 the mycelium and they actually produce 84:03 those volatile organic compounds and 84:05 they send these signals from you know 84:08 long distances you know several say a 84:11 tree has a disease and it can actually 84:13 let other plants know several yards away 84:16 via the rhizosphere and the mycelium in 84:19 the micro rise a and and the funk and 84:21 the fungi it's like almost like this 84:23 internet of fungus that it lets it know 84:25 so it can produce those those organic 84:29 compounds in order to stave off and 84:32 attack by whatever 84:33 peste is there and so do you think that 84:36 there could be that there's actually 84:38 that viruses aren't bad I always look at 84:41 you know everything that is here isn't 84:44 necessarily bad there's just bad balance 84:46 so can you you know maybe speak to that 84:49 and just kind of say you know yeah if I 84:50 there's there's benefits to viruses and 84:53 they could be part of that micro RNA 84:55 messaging system and that's why they 84:56 work outward and so when you get sick 84:59 it's an outward cleansing and they they 85:02 messaged basically your body you need to 85:04 cleanse at this point I know it's a 85:06 little esoteric but if you could just 85:08 know exactly where I mean I I love Zak's 85:11 work and I love that he talks about this 85:13 because this is exactly I mean it's true 85:16 I mean plants have retroviruses without 85:21 retroviruses the evolution of humans 85:24 would not necessarily have occurred 85:27 because we wouldn't have developed a 85:30 placenta you know so there are 85:32 retroviruses that yes the immune system 85:35 stops them from being expressed and 85:37 integrating in a lot of different ways 85:38 you know you don't want to you know God 85:41 doesn't make as you just said junk and 85:44 and you don't want to express the wrong 85:48 gene in the wrong cell you know we we 85:51 know every piece of DNA the entire 85:54 blueprint is in the nucleus of every 85:56 cell so what makes a nice L decide to be 85:59 a blue eye cell and not a brown-eyed 86:01 cell you know that's the expression of 86:03 and the regulatory RNA there's not just 86:06 the micros there's the long chain 86:08 non-coding and and these are being used 86:11 as cancerous cancer therapies you know 86:13 it just says I mentioned peptide T this 86:16 is just a peptide a small group of amino 86:20 acids together and and it modulates it 86:23 it tickles the the the macrophage and 86:26 says it's okay the fire doesn't get too 86:28 high we use the term grounding to say 86:31 that's why I'm so upset that they 86:33 stopped us from walking on the beach you 86:35 know we need to get our sand there's so 86:37 much tonight and pieces of nucleic acids 86:41 from in in this 86:43 and that we get almost like a booster 86:46 shot through that immune system of our 86:48 skin so no I think this is the big thing 86:51 about the whole you know vaccine 86:54 strategy oh it was a good idea but we 86:56 made a really big mistake because we 87:00 were made to evolve according to the 87:05 microorganisms in our environment and we 87:08 don't all have the same microorganisms 87:10 in our environment we're not exposed to 87:13 the same thing so why would you inject 87:15 something you're never going to be 87:17 exposed to and send your immune system 87:20 in off in a different direction so I 87:24 agree with you completely that what this 87:27 should tell us is it's time to go back 87:29 to go back a hundred years and just good 87:34 old-fashioned health when we were kids 87:37 you didn't go to a doctor unless you 87:39 broke your arm and then even my mom 87:41 would usually say you should have 87:43 thought of that I told you not to fight 87:44 those kids hit us she'd relent after a 87:48 little pain but you know we didn't do 87:51 any of this and so we've lost you know 87:54 our hundred year old grandmother's that 87:56 my grandmother was 94 she had diphtheria 87:59 she was never in a hospital we're not at 88:02 risk folks we really do have very strong 88:05 immune systems and and and we're just 88:10 and you know too much too much too much 88:14 too much toxins in our world well thank 88:18 you so much for that shoe that was 88:20 awesome so I want to turn it over to 88:22 some other people in the studio and 88:24 there's some viewers that have some 88:26 questions and for if you could just I'll 88:29 leave you with one if you could give us 88:31 one final thought on this what do you 88:33 how do you feel about the therapy that 88:35 they're giving the kovat 19 patients you 88:38 know fever reducers even though fever 88:39 should be our friend and and cough 88:42 suppressants even though we want to get 88:43 that stuff out and I had read one 88:45 article and it didn't name the drug but 88:48 they did notice that one of the drugs 88:49 that they're using in the hospital to 88:51 treat Kovan 19 patients was damaging the 88:54 heart and leading 88:56 them the patient's into cardiac arrest 88:57 so I don't know it did not say if it was 88:59 an antiviral it didn't name the drug it 89:02 just said that this drug that they were 89:04 using and I could get that article to 89:07 you at some point but if you could just 89:09 touch on that and then I'm gonna turn 89:10 you over to some other friends in the 89:12 studio well I just say that what 89:17 befuddled me it what confuses me is you 89:22 know why don't you do this simple you 89:24 know type one interferon as I said it 89:27 $0.50 a dose with 40 years of experience 89:29 it's your own human-made biological 89:33 antiviral that shown to work exactly 89:36 against this it is a spray that you 89:40 spray in your mouth or eat in your food 89:43 it's it's essentially harmless other 89:46 than preventing the spread of this virus 89:48 and calming down the immune system so no 89:52 I don't know much about what's being 89:54 done in in hospitals right now because 89:57 you know I can't imagine using I've seen 90:02 a lot of articles about using a lot of 90:04 oh there's a new drug here there's a 90:07 monoclonal antibody to il-6 well there's 90:10 a couple of natural products there are a 90:12 few plans there's there's 90:14 endocannabinoids there's you know 90:16 vitamin C and hot lemon water and a 90:19 little interference 90:20 what are we doing really you know so 90:23 it's like we're doing everything we can 90:24 to complicate the the issue and yes 90:29 subject people to you know you know 90:33 potentially damaging drug when they're 90:36 when there are simple solutions that 90:39 we've known for decades both prevention 90:42 and treatment 90:51 live-chat happening here also so people 90:54 have been putting questions in there and 90:55 so forgive us altogether if some of the 90:58 questions are things that you may have 91:00 already touched on or explained but you 91:03 know lisa is very knowledgeable and uses 91:06 big words and has touched on many things 91:10 and so for some of the more 91:12 simple-minded people like us if you 91:14 could help us to just kind of get a 91:16 grasp on some of these things that may 91:19 be more of a bottom shelf right so one 91:23 of the questions we've gotten in the 91:24 chat is are viruses alive are we oh 91:31 you're there 91:32 viruses are are considered to be 91:35 obligate parasites I think I mentioned 91:39 meaning they need your cells and your 91:44 tissue machinery you know of the host 91:47 cells in order to stay alive they can't 91:51 live in the air so in that respect they 91:54 can't live on a surface they need to 91:57 live within another organism 92:01 coronaviruses live in essentially all 92:04 animals different kinds of animals 92:07 different kinds of coronaviruses viruses 92:10 by themselves are not alive their 92:14 proteins or nucleic acid they need to 92:18 have a host cell in the cell machinery 92:22 to make more copies or replicates of 92:26 themselves and persists they can sit as 92:29 nucleic acid in your system dormant like 92:33 a seed in a plant before they burst open 92:37 and wake up and and and grow into a 92:41 plant but they're not by themselves 92:44 alive very good so that they think about 92:48 living in the air is garbage that's why 92:51 it's so stupid this so called social 92:53 distancing stay six feet away from each 92:56 other viruses don't travel six feet and 92:58 live with 93:00 and that's also why not to wear a mask 93:02 they need water droplets they need cells 93:05 and those droplets from your throat from 93:08 your nasal swabs to live in and so if 93:10 you dry them out they don't live very 93:14 good I think that's something people 93:15 need to hear so so how do viruses 93:19 naturally occur in nature we've talked 93:21 about some of the things that happen in 93:22 laboratories and how how people 93:26 manipulate these naturally occurring 93:27 viruses that I think of like your gut 93:30 biome and stuff like that maybe when 93:32 you're talking about the parasites 93:34 because we all have these types of 93:36 things in our in our systems already so 93:39 I kind of think of a virus maybe along 93:41 the same lines I mean I've never looked 93:43 in a lot of microscope except for when I 93:45 got that kit for Christmas you know when 93:47 I was a like eight but I didn't even get 93:48 to see anything there but so when so 93:52 when a virus how does a virus occur 93:54 naturally in nature how how's it gonna 93:56 show itself you mentioned like being in 94:01 a disease state or just kind of latent 94:04 how how would a virus occur naturally 94:08 without what we've seen currently with 94:10 these manipulations that happen in 94:12 laboratories because scientists are 94:13 trying to manipulate what is naturally 94:17 occurring in nature what we'll see 94:19 they're manipulating them in cells of 94:22 animals so like you just said all 94:26 animals have a microbiome so good 94:30 bacteria in your gut at your mucosal 94:35 surfaces we also have a viral we have 94:38 lots of things that we've been infected 94:41 with through the millennia pieces in 94:43 parts and and these things you know so 94:48 that's what we're trying to say about 94:50 the bats the bats you know live quite 94:55 happily with God knows how many 94:57 pathogenic corona viruses that would 95:00 kill us the monkeys don't care about 95:03 simian immune deficiency virus you know 95:06 they're they're parts of their 95:09 expression in genomes plants have 95:12 retroviruses there 95:13 parts of your your genome you know I 95:18 actually can't even you know I'm not an 95:22 evolutionary biologist and I I don't 95:27 understand the interactions necessarily 95:31 but you know viruses have to live in 95:34 cells so in laboratories you're working 95:37 with animal tissue or cells and so when 95:40 you mix or animals cell lines that we 95:43 grow in a lab normally you can't grow 95:45 cells in a lab because they don't divide 95:48 outside of the body of the host but over 95:51 the last forty years we've discovered 95:52 all these growth factors and molecules 95:55 from from you know be you know learning 95:58 about immune systems of different 96:00 animals so they start as DNA as RNA as 96:07 nucleic acid as blueprints our nucleic 96:10 acid is blueprints in the cell so they 96:13 have a blueprint and if that blueprint 96:16 is translated and transcribed and 96:19 translated it becomes a an organism it 96:23 becomes an organ system it becomes an 96:26 entire plant whether you're a leaf or 96:28 your stem whether you're you know a cat 96:31 or a dog 96:32 cats have very different viruses then 96:35 then bats because cats have cells that 96:39 support different viruses different 96:42 bacteria you know that we have ticks we 96:45 have insects we have flies all of those 96:49 things Harbor other organisms it's it's 96:53 a it's an entire ecosystem it's an 96:58 entire world what you don't do is 97:00 disrupt the world that world and mix 97:05 animal tissues so what's coming out of 97:07 the laboratory so we we talk about the 97:10 natural evolution so what it would take 97:14 for a bat virus to infect a human 97:19 without killing the cell and if they 97:22 kill the cell they don't survive so they 97:25 have to establish a home in humans 97:28 in order to make more bat viruses so 97:31 they have a big old home in bats it's 97:33 called a reservoir all the bats and the 97:35 other different animals and it's you 97:38 know and and they don't exist in humans 97:41 because they kill those well you can't 97:43 kill the host and and survive so with 97:48 every kind of species on the planet 97:51 they all have viruses in their DNA or 97:56 RNA that are either expressed or not and 98:00 only if the host animal cells get 98:06 disturbed disturbed or become ill or you 98:10 know in humans if you're sick and you 98:13 can't fight off an infection then lots 98:16 of things infect you so it's it's a it's 98:20 a difficult question it to even come 98:24 close to answer but you know I guess 98:26 that's one of the reasons why it came a 98:30 viral adjust and and I only look at 98:32 human viruses I don't think much about 98:34 animal viruses but my friends the 98:37 zoologist look very carefully because 98:40 this will tell you why a species becomes 98:43 extinct or why a an illness of famine 98:48 can change the diet such that a once 98:54 non-pathogenic bacteria overrides the 98:58 gut and and you and it becomes 99:00 pathogenic and he kills the hopes that's 99:02 a little bit what sepsis is mm-hmm okay 99:06 so I'm gonna I have a question regarding 99:08 I've got a lot of notes I've made so 99:10 like the Spanish flu in in 1918 I've 99:13 heard that there was at a vaccination 99:17 associated as you mentioned before that 99:19 these viruses and maybe the flu virus 99:22 also or that these that they can be 99:27 injected and that's usually how these 99:29 things are become an epidemic so in the 99:33 case of the Spanish flu do you know 99:34 anything of the history of that and 99:36 associating that with at any particular 99:38 vaccinations 99:39 there's a book sitting on 99:41 my table that doctor said he gave me to 99:43 read and I haven't had time to read it 99:46 what I do know from dr. susanne 99:49 Humphries book dissolving illusions is 99:52 that in the case and it's not a virus 99:55 it's smallpox in the case of smallpox 99:58 the vaccination program drove the most 100:04 severe the evolution of the most 100:06 pathogenic the outbreaks where many many 100:09 more people died so it's the communic 100:14 the communication so the vaccination 100:17 actually can drive the evolution and 100:21 that's what we're saying with the corona 100:23 viruses the accelerated evolution of one 100:27 family at the expense of another in the 100:30 case of the flu vaccine in that 100:32 scientific term we call viral 100:34 interference so yes if you read that 100:37 wonderful book by dr. Suzanne Humphreys 100:40 dissolving the lesion it talks about you 100:43 know everybody credits oh the smallpox 100:45 vaccine you know ended you know saved us 100:49 in in World War two so you know that's 100:55 not the story that that the science 100:57 supports and in her book details it in 101:00 in great length so yes III well I think 101:04 there's enough data to stand by the 101:06 vaccines driving the pandemics 101:10 especially with the time you know what 101:13 have we had here in the 21st century we 101:16 started with sirs SARS 101:18 we got MERS we got bird flu swine flu 101:26 zika ebola you know new outbreaks and 101:33 every one of those was associated with a 101:36 vaccine program or a chemical spraying 101:41 program in conjunction you know 101:44 something like pesticides in every one 101:48 of those viruses don't just jump out of 101:52 there 101:55 original host for instance zika's always 101:58 been around in Colombia and Brazil they 102:01 don't just jump species overnight their 102:05 ecosystem their world has to be they 102:07 have to be you know they they they have 102:11 to be threatening that they're not going 102:14 to have a home so they have to jump 102:16 species if they're for instance sprayed 102:19 with Roundup okay and that's some of 102:24 what happened in Zika and along with the 102:27 victims of the of the microcephaly were 102:31 were forced to get DTP the DTP shot with 102:36 the aluminum the whole cell from the 102:39 pertussis with lots of other organisms 102:41 that's where you found the brain 102:44 dysfunction and the desk the Zika virus 102:48 you know it's in Colombia and you didn't 102:51 have a problem in Coral Colombia because 102:54 you didn't have the spraying at that 102:55 time so there's been we know that the 103:01 vaccination count for the for the 103:02 children and their schedule has just 103:04 exponentially grown do you think and you 103:08 mentioned that some of those included 103:10 coronaviruses am i right on that oh 103:12 every every time you look at the 103:15 excipient list and you see cow blood and 103:17 you see pig the road attack where the 103:21 porcine corona viruses and retroviruses 103:24 the Maiden Darby the dog kidney cells 103:27 have coronaviruses the flu vaccines 103:30 grown in chicken eggs chicken eggs have 103:33 coronaviruses so in can pick up a virus 103:37 and carry it in the vaccine and you 103:40 inject it so it doesn't have to be 103:42 infectious so that means if anybody's 103:45 had these vaccines even if they're if 103:47 they're not manifesting in any with any 103:49 symptoms if they were to be tested they 103:52 could be testing positive for corona 103:53 virus because they have it they've had 103:55 these lutely 103:57 so do you that that brings me to my next 103:59 question is how do you explain these 104:03 numbers so just to somebody who's who's 104:06 tuning in and 104:07 that you know today or yesterday in the 104:09 United States you know there's so many 104:13 deaths 104:13 you know there's it's it's like one out 104:15 of ten of the total Kate we have 311 104:19 million people in our country so there's 104:21 three hundred and eleven thousand people 104:25 exposed to that have our total cases 104:30 these are extreme numbers and then you 104:32 have these deaths there's eight hundred 104:34 I'm sorry 8400 deaths in the United 104:37 States how do you explain these numbers 104:40 to somebody who thinks that well there's 104:42 clearly something substantial going on 104:45 how would you justify or how would you 104:47 defend those numbers because there's 104:49 there's are some figures that we need to 104:51 answer numbers aren't being reported is 104:53 the actual deaths as as we heard you 104:57 don't die of an infant you know with you 105:00 die with an infection not of an 105:02 infection in Italy they had two or three 105:06 comorbidities or high blood pressure 105:08 heart disease you know infection didn't 105:12 cause the death you know my husband has 105:14 a severe COPD you know if he died 105:18 tomorrow he could have you know that the 105:21 VAT the virus didn't cause his death 105:23 that the healthy person doesn't cause 105:26 the you know he could he could be 105:28 exposed to a microbial pneumonia or 105:31 another upper respiratory infection that 105:33 could that could drive the COPD he's 105:37 he's got documented COPD documented 105:42 heart disease documented afib it doesn't 105:45 take much inflammation you know to kill 105:48 a person they're not dying of 105:50 coronavirus they're dying of something 105:53 else and it's being called that and we 105:56 know of doctors and nurses and hospitals 105:58 are saying that's you know and if you 106:00 watch Dale big trees high-wire show from 106:04 two weeks ago Thursday I can't quite 106:07 remember two Thursday's ago it's on 106:09 Thursdays you can find it in the 106:10 archives you know the death certificates 106:13 say coronavirus you know whether they've 106:15 tested positive or had it or not if you 106:17 walk in a cop with a cop it's 106:19 coronavirus and that's what 106:21 we were talking about a little bit 106:22 earlier you know wait a minute was it 106:25 that influenza last year didn't the CDC 106:28 say 80,000 people died of influenza last 106:31 year and only a thousand of them tested 106:33 positive show me the data when I see 106:35 lungs that are riddled with virus 106:38 particles and the virus clearly killed 106:41 the person 106:42 I'll admit that is a corona virus death 106:46 haven't seen that we're not seeing those 106:49 data chest x-ray does not diagnose a 106:51 corona virus infection you cannot 106:54 distinguish what my husband got from a 106:56 bacterial pneumonia in his 30s they 106:59 didn't even type the pneumonia they 107:01 didn't even type the bacteria so how can 107:04 we say this when we make a pneumonia 107:07 vaccine with 23 different pneumonia 107:10 causing microbes pieces and parts 107:12 oh that's 23 are you counting all of 107:15 those no we just in 2020 everything 107:18 every person that walks in a hospital 107:20 and dies with a cough is called 107:22 coronavirus sorry I'm not buying it it's 107:25 fraud well so how can somebody somebody 107:29 who's had okay cuz my daughter she just 107:32 had a an appendectomy and she was just 107:35 totally given all the antibiotics in the 107:38 world she's three years old and you know 107:40 so how do you how do you get yourself 107:42 back up and people maybe who've had a 107:45 compromised immune systems for one 107:47 reason or another and I'm just using my 107:49 daughter as an example because it's 107:51 immediately in my life so what what can 107:53 somebody do to boost up and just how can 107:55 we how can we strengthen our immunity 107:59 well that's what we've been doing you 108:04 know for my husband the last decade or 108:06 so since I realized all this he's he's 108:10 off all drugs except for one 108:13 he's eating healthy non-gmo he's taking 108:19 supplements anti-inflammatory 108:21 supplements again he's 81 years old we 108:24 got him off the immune suppressing 108:27 steroids you stopped antibiotics stop we 108:32 stopped all vaccinations we we try 108:35 right to heal with you know good 108:37 old-fashioned chicken bone broth soup 108:39 and vitamin C and staying home and using 108:42 essential oils in a diffuser tea tree 108:46 oil orange oil lemon we we you know we 108:51 we went as natural as we can we get them 108:54 out in the sunlight every day for 108:56 vitamin C for a walk exercise that's not 109:00 extreme as he as you know you can we go 109:04 back to all the natural health medicines 109:07 and and the most the most important 109:09 thing is is is your food our food is our 109:14 medicine we stopped taking um you know 109:16 essentially all the pills very few pills 109:19 very few supplements we use a liquid 109:22 iodine with kelp because there's so much 109:24 radiation toxicity and here in Ventura 109:28 California the fires of a couple of 109:31 years ago we lived in a house that 109:33 developed mold after the flood we moved 109:36 in January we you know the the best you 109:40 can do is keep your environment clean 109:43 you know and start over 109:46 yes when when when you have other you 109:49 know he's he's had the most significant 109:51 comorbidities and you just do the best 109:56 you can and and I do the same thing 109:58 since I was you know I I Ciro converted 110:02 and and had very high protein levels of 110:05 the XM RVs in 2010 so I've had to do you 110:09 can hear my voice now as as I will lose 110:13 my voice and I will stop car start 110:15 coughing because my lungs are a 110:18 sensitive tissue place because I was 110:21 born six weeks early I'm an identical 110:24 twin 110:24 and so my lungs weren't fully developed 110:27 so inflammation and sites of tissue 110:29 injury is where where you know 110:32 inflammation tends to go so we do the 110:35 best we can to live clean that's a 110:38 that's about all I can really say we've 110:41 got to get away from giving away the 110:45 responsibility for our health to a 110:47 doctor I do 110:48 think I've been to a doctor in a decade 110:51 except for the oral surgeon who took all 110:54 the infected root canals and mercury out 110:56 of my mouth last year and changed my 110:59 life 111:00 awesome so I really appreciate the time 111:04 you spent with us pulling yourself out 111:06 you know I know that you've been talking 111:09 a lot and you mentioned that you could 111:11 lose your voice on something like this 111:12 so everybody is super grateful our our 111:16 live chat here is just expressing how 111:19 much how important the information has 111:21 been that you've shared with us and I do 111:22 have one question which is it's kind of 111:24 a two-parter but it's it's the same 111:26 question people have shared on social 111:30 media that elderberry syrup is 111:32 ineffective when it comes to treating 111:35 the coronavirus and on that same note 111:39 they tell us that so that it could be 111:42 dangerous to use tylenol and ibuprofen 111:46 so do you have any comments that would 111:48 maybe shed some wisdom on on that 111:51 subject specifically I do on Tylenol 111:54 tylenol absolutely never in any 111:58 situation much less coronavirus it's so 112:01 damaging and so hard on your liver I 112:05 that it's it's not it's not a good idea 112:09 for anything and yet it's the it's the 112:12 go-to in most emergency rooms it's I I 112:15 do favor some of the non-steroidal 112:18 anti-inflammatory drugs and that in in 112:22 certain situations but I'm not 112:27 I haven't really looked at it with 112:30 respect to coronavirus and I don't know 112:32 enough about elderberry syrup to answer 112:36 that I do know that quercetin and alpha 112:40 lipoic acid which are hugely beneficial 112:43 quercetin for calming the mast cell it's 112:47 a type of cell in allergy what gives you 112:50 the the allergy if you have Co infection 112:54 if you're you know if one of the things 112:56 that is a problem right now is course 112:58 it's springtime so pollens in the air so 113:01 allergy so 113:02 histamine well one of the things the 113:04 mast cells will do after after releasing 113:07 the histamines and the other particles 113:10 is they will they will start releasing 113:12 the same inflammatory mediators like 113:15 aisle six it's a chronic phase of mast 113:17 cell activation 113:19 so people with mast cell activation 113:21 disorders and they know who they are or 113:23 chemical sensitivities that will wake up 113:26 and that will drive inflammation so 113:29 quercetin is extremely calming as a 113:32 natural product for mast cells and and 113:35 that's something that you can use to at 113:38 least fight what what you want to do is 113:40 fight the co-infections and those KO 113:43 sensitivities like keep yourself out of 113:45 pollution as best as possible obviously 113:48 don't smoke and you know if you if you 113:53 work with chemicals and toxic chemicals 113:56 too then that's the only time I would 113:58 wear a protective mask and if you're 114:01 exposed at all to the fires in 114:04 California those were real problem with 114:06 driving lung disease and and they will 114:09 drive bacterial and viral pneumonia 114:12 causing like corona virus a lot of 114:16 people are just thanking God and asking 114:20 God to bless you for for what you've 114:22 shared I think you like we want this to 114:24 go talked about something going viral we 114:27 want this to go viral we want people to 114:29 hear this at this message I want people 114:31 to go we're I think someone needs to go 114:32 back and take notes and pretty much post 114:34 an article just talking about some of 114:37 the things that you had mentioned 114:38 because I'm trying to you know mentioned 114:42 I'm trying to pull some of these things 114:44 that you say out as I'm listening and 114:46 I'm and I can't keep up with some of the 114:47 stuff that you've said so there's a 114:50 treasure Cove here of just wisdom and 114:54 and just good advice so is there 114:58 anything that you'd like to say on any 115:00 subject or if you'd like to conclude 115:02 it's a Christian message or a god 115:05 message I should say because it's not 115:07 limited to Christian and and it's it's 115:10 really a God message this is we're in 115:13 this country around the 115:15 world you know our religious freedoms 115:17 are are being removed and and we don't 115:21 fear a microbe or a virus you know we 115:24 fear the Lord and and and and we answer 115:28 to the Lord and press the Lord for our 115:30 immunity and we we are as I quoted some 115:33 scripture early or wonderfully and 115:35 fearfully made believe God will take 115:40 what's intended for evil and make good 115:42 of it and that's basically why why I try 115:46 to talk because I I don't want people I 115:49 mean I'm I spend a lot of time with 115:52 can't clients with cancer and those 115:54 patients are just hung out to dry and 115:56 they're they're very afraid and that 115:58 will spin their disease and and it's 116:01 just to calm them down in this nightmare 116:04 for people that don't know how they're 116:06 gonna feed their children and they're 116:08 going to lose everything you know just 116:11 just trust Trust trust but please don't 116:13 give away any more of your of your 116:16 freedoms don't I was I was appalled to 116:18 hear then the New York mayor say if 116:22 churches didn't close when he ordered 116:24 them close and they they didn't close 116:27 their door he closed them permanently 116:29 are you kidding me who can tell us we 116:32 can't walk on the beach in God's Sun 116:35 under God's in healing the sand as we 116:39 talked about there's the Sun the sand 116:42 the healing you can see God in all of it 116:45 you're kidding me I can't go out on the 116:47 beach in mentor or Carlsbad California 116:50 where I live how am i hurting the public 116:53 else so so when when I want people to 116:58 wake up and say no more we will not bow 117:01 down 117:02 Tony fowey Big Pharma government whoever 117:05 you are you are not our God you know we 117:09 we bow down to only one one guy hey dr. 117:15 Judy we just wanted to thank you so much 117:17 for coming on today we really appreciate 117:19 you spending all this time with us is 117:20 there a place where we can send people 117:24 to you or you know to for to look at 117:26 your books or to support you anyway 117:29 you plug that force from www.hp.com 117:38 awesome so go to ya plague the book comm 117:41 support dr. judy it was a pleasure 117:44 having you on the show today we had just 117:46 a ton of people you know responding and 117:49 liking it and asking tons of questions 117:50 and we'd love to have you on the show 117:52 again if you're willing we had a great 117:55 time chatting with you so yeah we're 117:57 just god bless and thanks again for 117:59 calling us god bless and thank you again 118:02 thanks Logan bye-bye Up next Autoplay 4:24 Now playing The Truman Show Deleted Scene - Growing Suspicious (1998) - Jim Carrey Movie HD FandangoNOW Extras 2.6M views 6 years ago 12:16 Now playing 'Bill Gates is continuing the work of Monsanto', Vandana Shiva tells FRANCE 24 FRANCE
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