Deep State typically operates by carrot and stick. Those who side with Deep State typically get carrot while those who oppose it or are neutral get the stick. So most people knowingly or unknowingly make a choice to follow Deep State orders or at least comply with its agenda. This was working so far but now Deep State has different plans.
The hint for these plans comes from Georgia Guidestones. Georgia Guidestones is a mystery structure about which much has been written. You can find many fascinating articles like this one in the Wired American Stonehenge: Monumental Instructions for the Post-Apocalypse or this one in Thought Catalog 27 Bizarre Facts About The Georgia Guidestones. Those articles are long but fascinating if you have the time to read. You will also find many more fascinating articles on the same if you search for Georgia Guidestones in your favourite search engine. To learn important things about it in short let's go for its Wikipedia entry
It was erected out of granite in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. It is a set of 10 guidelines written in 8 modern languages and a shorter message inscribed at the top of the structure in 4 ancient languages. The structure also has many astrnomical features. Most important for us is the the 10 guidelines.
- Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
- Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
- Unite humanity with a living new language.
- Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
- Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
- Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
- Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
- Balance personal rights with social duties.
- Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
- Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
The most problematic is the first one, maintain humanity under 500,000,000 or half a billion. Current population is seven and a half billion, so it would involve reduction in population by 7 billion.
Can such a big number be realistic? Yes if we understand how Deep State operates and what it wants for New World Order. As we have seen in "Why is Deep State? A conceptual history of the world.", the purpose of Deep State is to be wealthy and powerful by commanding resources, knowledge, skills and work of other people. It forms a sort of pyramid. The rulers of Deep State (British Monarchy) need high level workers, for example, scientists, military, builders, craftsmen which would provide them comforts,etc. These workers in turn need workers to meet their own high and low level needs.
In the New World Order things would get automated by AI and robots and intelligent machines. So Deep State rulers (British Monarchy) need much less workers. This cascades down to needing even less workers at lower levels of the pyramid.
Second reason is that the weapons Deep State now has, such as HAARP and DEW and weather weapons are very precise as well as powerful so they do not need populations to fight enemy populations. With these powerful weapons they effectively get a hidden One World Government so there is no one left to fight either. So high military and civilian population is not needed.
Let us understand this with a reverse example. Suppose that Deep State has succeeded in establishing New World Order except one enemy person who is still free and alive. To kill that person Deep State/British Monarchy would need an assassin. That assassin would further need farmer, cook, tailor, mason, weapons maker, etc to serve his needs. But as soon as the assassin finishes the work, kills off the free person, assassin is no longer needed. So the people serving the assassin are also no longer needed. Thus by just one enemy person dying off, Deep State's own men become redundant in large numbers and can be killed off. So you served Deep State yet Deep State kills you once you become redundant. Especially because extra populations use resources and might also revolt in the future. By the example above it is easy to imagine that a large number of people become redundant when all enemies are killed or conquered. So the number 500 million of Georgia Guidestones is realistic. Deep State would not have any problems reducing human population to such a small number.
The reduction to 500 million from 7.5 billion would mean 93.3% humanity killed. We also see a number 95% humanity killed quoted by 'Conspiracy Theorists'. That would account for the growing population before it is killed off to below 500 million.
So the question you have to ask is, even if you serve Deep State, will you be important enough to be left alive if 19 out of every 20 people are killed? If not, you should fight Deep State to stop its genocidal agenda.