
Saudi Arabia and Roman Catholic Church are by British Monarchy blessings

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Some months back I came across this video "Who owns the world? And what they could do with it at any moment."

It tells us that British Monarch Elizabeth II owns 1/6th of the land on Earth, 6.6 billion acres. This translates to 26,709,252 sq. km which is pretty close to the total 26,803,386 sq.km we calculated from the basics in the previous article "How big and powerful is the British Monarchy officially?". The Queen's total land holdings are worth an estimated £25 trillion making her the wealthiest person on Earth by a large margin. Following in her footsteps is King Salaman of Saudi Arabia. He owns 553 million acres or just 8% of what the Queen owns, but which is rich in oil. Thirs is Pope Francis. Along with owning Vatican City, the Catholic Church and thus Pope Francis owns 177 million acres of land worldwide.

Now let us see how King of Saudi Arabia and Pope actually are tied back to the British Monarchy. First let us look at Saudi Arabia.

Before World War 1, since the sixteenth century, Britain claimed to support Islam by supporting Ottoman Turk Empire, the largest and most powerful Muslim entity in the world. Their foreign policy was to protect Turkish Sultanate whose Sultan claimed to be the leader of global Muslim community. They considered the Middle East region occupied by this empire important strategically and commerciallly. Strategically it served as a buffer againt other colonial imperial powers. Commercially it became important for oil apart from other commercial interests. But in World War I Ottoman Empire sided with Germany so Britain had to bring it down, divide Islam and prop up some other centre of Islamic leadership in the Middle East. For this they looked at Arabia, which was a part of the vast Ottoman Empire.

They promised 'independence' for Arabs. They particularly had promised to recognize the religious authority or Caliphate of the ruler or sherif of holy city of Mecca, Hussein bin Ali.Hussein claimed to be descendent of Muhammand so it would divide Islam. Hussein agreed to lead the Arab revolt against Ottoman Empire in return for British recognition of him after war as the ruler of a vast territory stretching from present-day Syria to Yemen including all of modern Saudi Arabia. By championing Arab kingdom under British auspices British wanted to exert dominance over the spiritual leadership of Muslim world.

Hussein who was being subsidezed by the British to the tune of £11 million (around $400 million in today’s money), revolted agains the Ottoman regime as promised, in June 1916, with a few thousand Arabs in the Hijaz region which includes cities of Jeddah, Mecca and Medina. British officers were his military advisers.

One month before the revolt Britain and France secretly signed the Sykes - Picot agreement to divide Middle East between their zones of influence abandoning the commitment to Ottoman territorial integrity.

After the revolt by Hussein and defeat of Turkish armies by the British, Hussein bin Ali proclaimed himself ruler of all Arab countries. But Britsh were prepared to recognize only Hijaz region where he led the revolt. Confrontation over future of Arabia ensued between Hussein and another British protege Abul Aziz ibn Saud. Saud had captured Nejd region with capital Riyadh.

British officials were split between Hussein and Saud. The feared that Caliphate under Husseing could be used as a rallying point for anti-colonial movements in India and Egypt because Hussein claimed to be descendent of Muhammad. They feared the prospect of Muslim holy war against Britain, similar to what the Turkish sultan declared on entering First World War. So they wanted to control the person of Caliph by buying or capturing the religious leadership. Saud had much lesser pretensions, limited to Arabia.

Hussein espoused orthodox Sunnism while Saud was at the head of an unltra-conservative Sunni revivalist movement now called Wahhabism professing strick adherence to tenets of Islam. Saud's military forces were Ikhwani or brotherhood, bedouin tribesmen taught by religious teachers committed to the purification of Islam. By the end of the war Saud recieved a British subsidy of £5,000 per month, considerably less than £12,000 a month given to Hussein whom they initially continued to favour.

But later on Saud and his Ikhwani fought with Hussein and gained control of Arabia including Hijaz and Holy Places of Hussein by mid 1920s. There was a lot of merciless slaughter in conquering Arabia. 400,000 people died, 40,000 people publicly executed, 350,000 had their limbs amputated. The territory was divided into districts under control of Saud's relatives, just like today.

British recognized Saud's comtrol of Arabia and by 1922 his subsidy was raised to £100,000 a year by Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill. At the same time Churchill described Saud's Wahhabis as ‘austere, intolerant, well-armed and bloodthirsty’ and that ‘they hold it as an article of duty, as well as of faith, to kill all who do not share their opinions and to make slaves of their wives and children. Women have been put to death in Wahhabi villages for simply appearing in the streets. It is a penal offence to wear a silk garment. Men have been killed for smoking a cigarette.’ However, Churchill also later wrote that ‘my admiration for him [Ibn Saud] was deep, because of his unfailing loyalty to us’, and the British government set about consolidating its grip on this loyalty.

In 1927 Harry St John Philby was sent by London to Saudi Arabia ‘to consult with the Foreign Office over ways to consolidate the rule and extend the influence’ of Ibn Saud. A 1927 treaty gave control of the country’s foreign affairs to Britain. When elements of Ikhwani opposed British presence and rebelled againt Saud the rebellion was quelled by British military. This was highlu appreciated by Saud and paved the way for strong British-Saudi alliance. The Ikhwani were made less powerful but Saudi Wahhabism became the 'founding ideology' and financing centre of modern jihad. Saudi Arabia was officially proclaimed in 1932 and largely a British creation. It gave Britain a foothold in Mecca, Medina, heart of Islam with religious fundamentalism. More generally Britain also succeeded in its goal of a divided Middle East and a 'ring of client states' from ashes of Ottoman Empire. I have derived this info from more detailed article by Mark Curtis http://markcurtis.info/2016/11/02/how-britain-carved-up-the-middle-east-and-helped-create-saudi-arabia/

The current king of Saudi Arabia is son of same Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud. So you see the second largest land owner King of Suadi Arabia is subservient to British Monarchy, the largest land owner.

Next we take a look at Catholic Church:

With completion of unification of Italy in 1870, Rome and Papal States were seized by Italy. The opposition to this by the Papacy gave rise to the Roman Question. The conflict was ended in 1929 by Lateran Treaty which created Vatican City as a separate state under sovereignty of the Holy See and resolved the dispute. The treaty also agreed to give the Roman Catholic Church compensation for the loss of Papal States. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Roman-question

Lateran Treaty was signed when Italian government was led by Benito Mussolini as the prime minister. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateran_Treaty

Mussolini, just like Hussein and Ibm Saud of Arabia was a paid protege of British Monarchy. He was paid £100 weekly wage by MI5 in 1917 (equivalent to £6,000 a week in 2009). https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/oct/13/benito-mussolini-recruited-mi5-italy That is why later on King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy strangely ceded control to him even in matters he didn't want to. He was agent of a much more powerful monarch. Even Lateran Treaty itself was one such matter which the king hadn't allowed before Mussolini. So effectively the Roman Catholic Church whose powers were taken away by Italy was re-empowered by British Monarchy. It's power exists because of support from British Monarchy.

Thus Saudi Arabia and Vatican City exist with support from British Monarchy. Through them British Monarchy influences global Muslims as well as Catholics secretly.

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