
Why Rothschild Empire is actually British Monarchy's Empire

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We often hear that America and much of the world is ruled by Rothschild. We hear that they own or control all the major banks, cause all the wars. We hear they were behind 9/11 attacks. It is made to seem like they are the boss of the world.

But they are merely bankers. Banker cannot function without a military that protects the banking. In absence of law & order, a poor but tough person would simply rob a banker rather than borrow. Even debtors would not return loans in absence of consequences. So who protects the Rothschild banking Empire? It's the British Monarchy.

Let us look into history. A good timeline to read up long history of the Rothchilds is given in this article. https://web.archive.org/web/20170110214205/https://www.anonews.co/rothschild-history/. The Rothschild brothers, sons of Mayer Amschel Rothschild went to serve different monarchies. They funded the wars between the monarchies. I do not know if it was fair funding as per talents of different monarchs or whether it was a biased game where particular monarchies were favoured. Both are possible. Over the various revolutions and wars, British Monarchy emerged the winner. So by my theory they currently serve the British Monarchy.

But let us look at it in other ways. Rothschild and Warburg co-ordinated banking aspect of East India Company trade according to research by Great Game India. http://greatgameindia.com/controller-houses-east-india-company-eic-series-part-iv/ British Monarch Elizabeth I issued charter for establishment of East India Company on 31st December, 1600. So who is the boss? Monarchy or banker of East India Company? Also by 1803 at height of its rule in India, the East India Company had a private army of 260,000, twice that of British Army. Yet the control was transferred to British Crown in 1858 following the 1857 revolt. So again, who is the boss? British Monarchy.

Another matter in which Rothschild is highlighted is Balfour Declaration for establishment of Israel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration Much importance is given to the fact that British Foreign Secretary, Arthur James Balfour addressed to Lord Rothschild. But if you read the text, the letter is written on behalf of His Majesty's Government, meaning British Monarchy.

Let us come to the present. 3 paragraphs ago we spoke of banker needing military protection. Some people say NATO military is the military protecting the Rothschilds. If you look at history of NATO, it is also initiated by Britain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_NATO So again it boils down to British Monarchy.

Thus from various angles British Monarchy is the boss of Rothschild bankers. I'll add more angles as I come across them.

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